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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing E, F, N, O, P, T and U

COUNTERPROOFcounterproof n. (Printing) The inverted image of an original proof.
counterproof n. (Logic) A proof that contradicts a given statement.
COUNTERPROOF n. an inverted impression obtained from a newly printed proof of an engraving, by laying it, while the ink is still wet, upon plain paper, and passing it through the press.
HERPETOFAUNAherpetofauna n. Reptiles and amphibians as a group, especially those of a particular region or time period.
HERPETOFAUNA n. (Latin) snake life.
PERFUSIONISTperfusionist n. A trained clinician who operates the heart-lung machine during cardiac and other surgeries.
PERFUSIONIST n. the member of a surgical team administering continuous blood transfusion.
PROFUNDITIESprofundities n. Plural of profundity.
PROFUNDITY n. intellectual depth.
PUFTALOONIESPUFTALOONIES n. (Australian) a type of fried cake, eaten hot with jam, honey or sugar, also PUFFTALOONAS, PUFTALOON.
PUTREFACTIONputrefaction n. The act of causing to rot; the anaerobic splitting of proteins by bacteria and fungi with the formation…
putrefaction n. Rotten material.
putrefaction n. The state of being rotten.
SPORTFULNESSsportfulness n. Playfulness.
SPORTFULNESS n. the state of being sportful.
STUPEFACTIONstupefaction n. The state of extreme shock or astonishment.
stupefaction n. A state of insensibility; stupor.
STUPEFACTION n. the act of stupefying.
SUPERFRONTALsuperfrontal adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the upper part of the frontal lobe of the brain.
superfrontal n. A cloth placed over the top of an altar, often hanging down a few inches over the frontal.
SUPERFRONTAL n. a covering hanging over the upper edge of an altar frontal.
TEASPOONFULSteaspoonfuls n. Plural of teaspoonful.
TEASPOONFUL n. the contents of a teaspoon.
TEASPOONSFULteaspoonsful n. Plural of teaspoonful.
TEASPOONFUL n. the contents of a teaspoon.
TYPEFOUNDERStypefounders n. Plural of typefounder.
type-founders n. Plural of type-founder.
type␣founders n. Plural of type founder.
TYPEFOUNDINGtypefounding n. Traditional printing with physical type.
TYPEFOUNDING n. the casting of printers' type.
UNPERFECTIONunperfection n. (Obsolete or nonstandard) Want of perfection; imperfection.
UNPERFECTION n. (obsolete) imperfection.
UNPERFORATEDunperforated adj. Not perforated.
UNPERFORATED adj. not perforated.
UNPROFITABLEunprofitable adj. Not making a profit.
UNPROFITABLE adj. not profitable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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