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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing E, F, H, 2I, N and T

CHIEFTAINESSchieftainess n. A female chieftain.
chieftainess n. The wife of a chieftain.
CHIEFTAINESS n. a female chieftain.
CHIFFONNIESTCHIFFONY adj. like chiffon, a sheer silk fabric.
DEMYTHIFYINGDEMYTHIFY v. to remove the mythical characteristics from (a person).
FAINTISHNESSfaintishness n. The quality of being faintish; slight faintness.
FAINTISHNESS n. the state of being faintish.
FILTHINESSESfilthinesses n. Plural of filthiness.
FILTHINESS n. the quality of being filthy.
FIREFIGHTINGfirefighting n. (Firefighting) Extinguishing a fire.
firefighting n. The profession of being a firefighter.
firefighting n. (By extension, figuratively) Solving an urgent problem.
FORETHINKINGforethinking v. Present participle of forethink.
FORETHINK v. to think beforehand.
FREETHINKINGfreethinking n. The principles of a freethinker; free thought.
free-thinking adj. Having opinions that are contrary to dogma or the positions of authority.
FREETHINKING n. thought not tied to any doctrine.
INFANGTHIEFSINFANGTHIEF n. (Old English) the right of taking and fining a thief within the boundaries of one's own jurisdiction.
PREFLIGHTINGpreflighting v. Present participle of preflight.
PREFLIGHT v. to inspect an aircraft before flight.
SHIFTINESSESshiftinesses n. Plural of shiftiness.
SHIFTINESS n. the state of being shifty.
TIMESHIFTINGtimeshifting n. Alternative form of time shifting.
time␣shifting n. (Broadcasting) The practice of recording a broadcast with the intention of watching or listening to…
time␣shifting n. (Television) The practice of network affiliates from different time zones of making television programs/programmes…
UNTHRIFTIESTunthriftiest adj. Superlative form of unthrifty: most unthrifty.
UNTHRIFTY adj. not thrifty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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