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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing E, F, G, 2I, M and S

DEFEMINISINGdefeminising v. Present participle of defeminise.
DEFEMINISE v. to remove feminine characteristics from, also DEFEMINIZE.
DEMULSIFYINGdemulsifying v. Present participle of demulsify.
DEMULSIFY v. to separate from an emulsion.
DEMYSTIFYINGdemystifying v. Present participle of demystify.
DEMYSTIFY v. to remove the mystery from.
EFFEMINISINGeffeminising v. Present participle of effeminise.
EFFEMINISE v. (archaic) to make effeminate, also EFFEMINIZE.
FACSIMILEINGfacsimileing v. Present participle of facsimile.
FACSIMILE v. to make a facsimile of.
FILMSETTINGSfilmsettings n. Plural of filmsetting.
FILMSETTING n. setting by a process of typesetting.
FIREBOMBINGSfirebombings n. Plural of firebombing.
FIREBOMBING n. the act of attacking with incendiary bombs.
GEMFIBROZILSGEMFIBROZIL n. a drug that lowers the level of low-density lipoproteins in the blood and is therefore used to treat patients with hypercholesterolaemia.
MANIFESTOINGmanifestoing v. Present participle of manifesto.
MANIFESTO v. to issue a manifesto.
MISFEATURINGMISFEATURING adj. distorting the features.
MISINFERRINGmisinferring v. Present participle of misinfer.
MISINFER v. to infer wrongly.
MISREFERRINGmisreferring v. Present participle of misrefer.
MISREFER v. to refer incorrectly.
SEMIDEIFYINGSEMIDEIFY v. to make something partially a god.
SOLEMNIFYINGsolemnifying v. Present participle of solemnify.
SOLEMNIFY v. to make solemn.
TIMESHIFTINGtimeshifting n. Alternative form of time shifting.
time␣shifting n. (Broadcasting) The practice of recording a broadcast with the intention of watching or listening to…
time␣shifting n. (Television) The practice of network affiliates from different time zones of making television programs/programmes…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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