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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing 2E, 2O, R, T and X

AUTOEXPOSUREautoexposure n. (Photography) automatic selection of exposure settings.
AUTOEXPOSURE n. a system for automatically adjusting the aperture and/or shutter speed of a camera according to the lighting conditions.
AXONOMETRIESAXONOMETRY n. the branch of crystallography concerned with measurement of the axes of crystals.
DEOXYCORTONEdeoxycortone n. (Pharmacology) UK form of desoxycortone.
DEOXYCORTONE n. a corticosteroid hormone important in maintaining sodium and water balance in the body.
ENTEROTOXINSenterotoxins n. Plural of enterotoxin.
ENTEROTOXIN n. an intestinal toxin that causes food poisoning.
EXONERATIONSexonerations n. Plural of exoneration.
EXONERATION n. the act of exonerating.
EXPECTORATORexpectorator n. One who spits.
EXPECTORATOR n. one who expectorates.
EXTEROCEPTORexteroceptor n. (Anatomy) A sense organ or nerve receptor that responds to external stimuli.
EXTEROCEPTOR n. a sense organ excited by exteroceptive stimuli.
EXTORTIONATEextortionate adj. Of, related to, or typifying extortion (“the practice of obtaining money or other property by the use…
extortionate adj. Greatly exceeding what is moderate or reasonable; exorbitant.
EXTORTIONATE adj. characterized by extortion.
EXTORTIONERSextortioners n. Plural of extortioner.
EXTORTIONER n. one who practises extortion.
EXTROVERSIONextroversion n. The state or quality of being extroverted or an extrovert, particularly…
EXTROVERSION n. the state of being extrovert.
HETERODOXIESheterodoxies n. Plural of heterodoxy.
HETERODOXY n. a heterodox opinion.
MESOTHORAXESmesothoraxes n. Plural of mesothorax.
MESOTHORAX n. the middle segment of the thorax in insects.
OVEREXERTIONoverexertion n. Excessive exertion; so much exertion that discomfort or injury results.
OVEREXERTION n. excessive exertion.
OVEREXPLOITSoverexploits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overexploit.
OVEREXPLOIT v. to exploit to excess.
POSTEXPOSUREpostexposure adj. After exposure (To radiation, pathogens, etc.).
POSTEXPOSURE adj. taking place after exposure.
RETROFLEXIONretroflexion n. The act of retroflexing; the state of being retroflexed.
RETROFLEXION n. the state of being bent back, also RETROFLECTION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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