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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing 2E, M, N, 2P and R

APPARELMENTSapparelments n. Plural of apparelment.
APPARELMENT n. apparel, dress.
APPARTEMENTSappartements n. Plural of appartement.
APPARTEMENT n. (French) a set of rooms in a house for an individual or a family.
APPRAISEMENTappraisement n. (Dated) The act of appraising.
APPRAISEMENT n. the act of appraising.
IMPERCEPTIONimperception n. Lack of perception; failure to perceive.
IMPERCEPTION n. lack of perception.
IMPERCIPIENTimpercipient adj. Lacking perception; unable to perceive.
IMPERCIPIENT adj. unperceptive.
IMPROPERNESSimproperness n. Quality of being improper.
IMPROPERNESS n. the state of being improper.
MISAPPREHENDmisapprehend v. (Transitive) To interpret incorrectly; to misunderstand.
MISAPPREHEND v. to apprehend wrongly.
NEWSPAPERDOMnewspaperdom n. The realm or sphere of newspaper publishing or journalism.
NEWSPAPERDOM n. the world of newspapers.
NEWSPAPERISMnewspaperism n. (Dated, derogatory) The attitudes and stylistic approach of newspapers; being lowbrow and sensationalistic, etc.
NEWSPAPERISM n. the system of having newspapers.
NEWSPAPERMANnewspaperman n. A man who works in the production of the text of a newspaper; a reporter, editor, etc.
NEWSPAPERMAN n. a person who owns or is employed by a newspaper.
NEWSPAPERMENnewspapermen n. Plural of newspaperman.
NEWSPAPERMAN n. a person who owns or is employed by a newspaper.
PAMPEREDNESSpamperedness n. The fact or quality of being pampered.
PAMPEREDNESS n. the state of being pampered.
PERINEPHRIUMPERINEPHRIUM n. the fatty tissue surrounding the kidney.
PERISPOMENONperispomenon adj. (Linguistics, of a word) Having a circumflex accent on the last syllable.
perispomenon n. (Linguistics) A word with a circumflex accent on the last syllable.
PERISPOMENON n. a word having a circumflex accent on the final syllable.
PREEXEMPTINGPREEXEMPT v. to exempt beforehand.
PREMENOPAUSEpremenopause adj. Before the menopause.
PROMPTNESSESpromptnesses n. Plural of promptness.
PROMPTNESS n. the state of being prompt.
PUMPERNICKELpumpernickel n. A German sourdough bread made from rye.
PUMPERNICKEL n. (German) a kind of coarse dark rye bread.
SUPPLEMENTERsupplementer n. One who supplements something.
supplementer n. A person who takes nutritional supplements.
SUPPLEMENTER n. one who supplements.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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