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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing 2E, L, N, O, P and V

CODEVELOPINGcodeveloping v. Present participle of codevelop.
co-developing v. Present participle of co-develop.
CODEVELOP v. to develop jointly.
DEVELOPMENTSdevelopments n. Plural of development.
developments n. A group of building complexes or apartments. Often used for low income housing.
DEVELOPMENT n. the act of developing.
DISENVELOPEDdisenveloped v. Simple past tense and past participle of disenvelop.
DISENVELOP v. to free from that in which a thing is enveloped.
ENVELOPMENTSenvelopments n. Plural of envelopment.
ENVELOPMENT n. the act of enveloping.
NONEXPLOSIVEnonexplosive adj. Not explosive; unable to explode.
NONEXPLOSIVE adj. not explosive.
OVEREXPLAINSoverexplains v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overexplain.
OVEREXPLAIN v. to explain to excess.
OVERPEDALINGoverpedaling v. Present participle of overpedal.
OVERPEDAL v. to make excessive use of the sustaining pedal of a piano.
OVERPEOPLINGoverpeopling v. Present participle of overpeople.
OVERPEOPLE v. to people too densely.
OVERSLEEPINGoversleeping v. Present participle of oversleep.
OVERSLEEP v. to sleep past a planned time for waking.
POLYVALENCESpolyvalences n. Plural of polyvalence.
POLYVALENCE n. the state of being polyvalent.
PROTENSIVELYprotensively adv. In a protensive fashion.
PROTENSIVE adv. extensive in time or length.
PROVABLENESSprovableness n. The quality of being provable.
PROVABLENESS n. the state of being provable.
REDEVELOPINGredeveloping v. Present participle of redevelop.
REDEVELOP v. to develop again.
RESPONSIVELYresponsively adv. In a responsive manner.
RESPONSIVE adv. giving response.
UNDERDEVELOPunderdevelop v. To develop insufficiently.
UNDERDEVELOP v. to develop insufficiently.
UNREPROVABLEunreprovable adj. Alternative spelling of unreproveable.
UNREPROVABLE adj. not reprovable.
VELOCIPEDEANvelocipedean n. Alternative form of velocipedian.
VELOCIPEDEAN n. one who rides a velocipede, an early form of bicycle, also VELOCIPEDER, VELOCIPEDIAN, VELOCIPEDIST.
VELOCIPEDIANvelocipedian n. (Archaic) One who rides a velocipede, or a bicycle.
VELOCIPEDIAN n. one who rides a velocipede, an early form of bicycle, also VELOCIPEDEAN, VELOCIPEDER, VELOCIPEDIST.
VELOCIPEDINGvelocipeding v. Present participle of velocipede.
VELOCIPEDE v. to travel by velocipede.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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