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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing 2E, 2L, N and 2O

ANGELOLOGIESangelologies n. Plural of angelology.
ANGELOLOGY n. the study of angels.
BALNEOLOGIESbalneologies n. Plural of balneology.
BALNEOLOGY n. the science of the therapeutic use of baths.
COCOUNSELLEDcocounselled v. Simple past tense and past participle of cocounsel.
COCOUNSEL v. to counsel jointly.
DECONTROLLEDdecontrolled v. Simple past tense and past participle of decontrol.
decontrolled adj. Released from a form of control.
DECONTROL v. to remove (esp. official) control from.
ELECTRONVOLTelectronvolt n. (Physics) Alternative spelling of electron volt.
electron␣volt n. (Physics) A unit for measuring the energy of subatomic particles; the energy equal to that attained…
ELECTRONVOLT n. a unit of energy equal to the work done on an electron accelerated through a potential difference of 1 volt.
FOOTBALLENESFOOTBALLENE n. buckminsterfullerene, a ball-shaped molecule containing 60 carbon atoms linked together in hexagons and pentagons to form a closed, near spherical and very stable structure.
HOLLOWNESSEShollownesses n. Plural of hollowness.
HOLLOWNESS n. the state of being hollow.
LOVELORNNESSlovelornness n. The quality of being lovelorn.
LOVELORNNESS n. the state of being lovelorn.
METALLOPHONEmetallophone n. Any musical instrument consisting of tuned metal bars which are struck to make sound.
METALLOPHONE n. an instrument like a xylophone with metal bars, the hammers being operated by hand or by means of a keyboard.
OBLANCEOLATEoblanceolate adj. (Botany, of leaves) Of a reversed lanceolate shape: attached to the stem by the pointed end, with the…
OBLANCEOLATE adj. of e.g. a leaf, like a lance-head reversed.
OVERENROLLEDoverenrolled adj. For which too many people have enrolled.
OVERENROLLED adj. with too many enrolments.
PROLEGOMENALPROLEGOMENAL adj. of the nature of a prolegomenon, introduction, also PROLEGOMENARY, PROLEGOMENOUS.
RECOLLECTIONrecollection n. The act of recollecting, or recalling to the memory; the act of recalling to memory.
recollection n. The power of recalling ideas to the mind, or the period within which things can be recollected; remembrance.
recollection n. That which is recollected; something called to mind; a reminiscence.
SELENOLOGIESselenologies n. Plural of selenology.
SELENOLOGY n. the study of the moon.
SELENOLOGISTselenologist n. A person skilled or involved in selenology.
SELENOLOGIST n. one who studies the moon.
TELECONTROLStelecontrols v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of telecontrol.
TELECONTROL n. control of mechanical devices remotely, either by radio (as of ships and aircraft), by sound waves, or by beams of light, also TELEARCHICS.
WOOLLINESSESwoollinesses n. Plural of woolliness.
WOOLLINESS n. the state of being woolly, also WOOLINESS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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