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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing 2E, I, N, R, U and X

EXCHEQUERINGexchequering v. Present participle of exchequer.
EXCHEQUER v. to place in an exchequer or treasury.
EXCURSIONISEexcursionise v. Alternative form of excursionize.
EXCURSIONISE v. to go on an excursion, also EXCURSIONIZE.
EXCURSIONIZEexcursionize v. (Intransitive, dated) To go on an excursion.
EXCURSIONIZE v. to go on an excursion, also EXCURSIONISE.
EXECUTIONERSexecutioners n. Plural of executioner.
EXECUTIONER n. one who executes.
EXPENDITURESexpenditures n. Plural of expenditure.
EXPENDITURE n. the act of expending.
EXTINGUISHERextinguisher n. One who, or that which, extinguishes something.
EXTINGUISHER n. a device that extinguishes.
EXTRAUTERINEextrauterine adj. Outside the uterus.
EXTRAUTERINE adj. situated or occurring outside the uterus.
EXUBERANCIESexuberancies n. Plural of exuberancy.
EXUBERANCY n. the state of being exuberant, also EXUBERANCE.
EXULCERATINGexulcerating v. Present participle of exulcerate.
EXULCERATE v. to ulcerate.
EXULCERATIONexulceration n. (Obsolete) ulceration.
exulceration n. (Obsolete) fretting; festering; soreness.
EXULCERATION n. ulceration.
HETEROAUXINSheteroauxins n. Plural of heteroauxin.
HETEROAUXIN n. a natural plant hormone, used esp. for stimulating growth and root formation in plant cutting.
INTERMIXTUREintermixture n. A mass formed by mixture; a mass of ingredients mixed.
intermixture n. Admixture; an additional ingredient.
INTERMIXTURE n. a mass formed by mixture.
INTERSEXUALSintersexuals n. Plural of intersexual.
INTERSEXUAL n. someone existing between sexes.
INTERTEXTUALintertextual adj. Pertaining to intertextuality; being or involving the reference to one text in another.
INTERTEXTUAL adj. of or like an intertext.
INTERTEXTUREintertexture n. The act of interweaving, or the state of being interwoven.
intertexture n. That which is interwoven.
INTERTEXTURE n. an interwoven state.
UNDEREXPLOITunderexploit v. To exploit insufficiently.
UNDEREXPLOIT v. to make insufficient use of.
UNEXPRESSIVEunexpressive adj. Not expressive.
UNEXPRESSIVE adj. not expressive.
UNPERPLEXINGunperplexing adj. Not perplexing.
unperplexing v. Present participle of unperplex.
UNPERPLEX v. to free from perplexity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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