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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing 2E, H, I, 2P and T

APITHERAPIESAPITHERAPY n. the therapeutic use of bee products, such as royal jelly and propolis.
HYPERPYRETIChyperpyretic adj. Relating to hyperpyresis.
HYPERPYRETIC adj. suffering from hyperpyrexia, an extremely high fever.
LEPTOCEPHALIleptocephali n. Plural of leptocephalus.
LEPTOCEPHALUS n. the larva of the conger eel.
OPOTHERAPIESOPOTHERAPY n. treatment by administration of extracts of animal organs, esp. ductless glands.
OVERHAPPIESTOVERHAPPY adj. exceedingly happy.
PAPERWEIGHTSpaperweights n. Plural of paperweight.
PAPERWEIGHT n. a usually small heavy object used to hold down loose papers.
PERISTREPHICperistrephic adj. (Dated) Turning around; rotatory; revolving.
PERISTREPHIC adj. moving round; revolving; rotatory.
PETTICHAPSESPETTICHAPS n. (dialect) the garden warbler.
PICTUREPHONEpicturephone n. Videophone.
PICTUREPHONE n. a device which allows speakers on the telephone to see each other.
PREFECTSHIPSprefectships n. Plural of prefectship.
PREFECTSHIP n. the office of prefect.
PRELATESHIPSprelateships n. Plural of prelateship.
PRELATESHIP n. the office of prelate.
PRENTICESHIPprenticeship n. Obsolete form of apprenticeship.
PRENTICESHIP n. the office of prentice.
PTERIDOPHYTEpteridophyte n. Any plant of the division Pteridophyta, of simple vascular plants that reproduce via spores rather than…
PTERIDOPHYTE n. the general name for the ferns and their allies.
TELESHOPPINGteleshopping n. (Chiefly UK, India) Shopping from home in response to offers on television advertising or shopping channels.
TELESHOPPING n. buying goods by telephone or the Internet.
THRUPPENNIESthruppennies n. Plural of thruppenny.
THRUPPENNY n. threepence, as in thruppenny bit, also THREEPENCE, THREEPENNY, THRUPPENCE.
WHIPPLETREESwhippletrees n. Plural of whippletree.
whipple-trees n. Plural of whipple-tree.
whipple␣trees n. Plural of whipple tree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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