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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing 2E, G, M, 2N and U

DIEZEUGMENONdiezeugmenon n. (Music) The last tetrachord, in the case where two tetrachords were placed separately from each other…
DIEZEUGMENON n. a term in Greek prosody.
INTEGUMENTALintegumental adj. Of or pertaining to the integument.
INTEGUMENTAL adj. of or like an integument, also INTEGUMENTARY.
INTERREGNUMSinterregnums n. Plural of interregnum.
INTERREGNUM n. (Latin) the time during which a throne is vacant between two reigns.
MANEUVERINGSmaneuverings n. Plural of maneuvering.
MANEUVERING n. the act of performing a maneuver.
MANOEUVERINGmanoeuvering v. Present participle of manoeuver.
manoeuvering n. Gerund of manoeuver; an act in which something or someone manoeuvers.
manœuvering v. (UK) Obsolete spelling of manoeuvering.
MONSEIGNEURSmonseigneurs n. Plural of monseigneur.
Monseigneurs n. Plural of Monseigneur.
MONSEIGNEUR n. (French) a French title of respect given to princes and prelates.
MULTIENGINEDmultiengined adj. Having multiple engines.
MULTIENGINED adj. having many engines, also MULTIENGINE.
MULTIENGINESmultiengines n. Plural of multiengine.
PRENUMBERINGprenumbering v. Present participle of prenumber.
PRENUMBER v. to number in advance.
REMUNERATINGremunerating v. Present participle of remunerate.
REMUNERATE v. to pay an equivalent for.
ROENTGENIUMSROENTGENIUM n. a short-lived radioactive element produced artificially.
UNDERGARMENTundergarment n. Any garment worn underneath others, especially one worn next to the skin; an item of underwear.
undergarment n. (Religion, in the plural) Temple garments worn by the followers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
UNDERGARMENT n. any article of clothing worn under another, esp. that worn next to the skin.
UNDERMEANINGundermeaning n. An underlying or hidden meaning.
UNDERMEANING n. a hidden meaning.
UNGERMINATEDungerminated adj. Not having germinated.
UNGERMINATED adj. not germinated.
UNHINGEMENTSunhingements n. Plural of unhingement.
UNHINGEMENT n. the state of being unhinged.
UNMANAGEABLEunmanageable adj. Not manageable; not readily submitting to handling or management; not easily restrained, governed, or directed.
UNMANAGEABLE adj. not capable of being managed.
UNREGIMENTEDunregimented adj. Not regimented, unorganised.
UNREGIMENTED adj. not regimented.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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