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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing 2E, G, I, M, P and T

CONTEMPERINGcontempering v. Present participle of contemper.
CONTEMPER v. to blend together; to adapt.
DEPIGMENTINGdepigmenting v. Present participle of depigment.
DEPIGMENT v. to take away or reduce the pigmentation in.
DESTEMPERINGDESTEMPER v. (obsolete) to distemper, in the paint sense, also DISTEMPER.
DISTEMPERINGdistempering v. Present participle of distemper.
DISTEMPER v. to paint or colour with distemper, also DESTEMPER.
EMPLASTERINGemplastering v. Present participle of emplaster.
EMPLASTER v. (obsolete) to plaster.
EPISTEMOLOGYepistemology n. (Uncountable) The branch of philosophy dealing with the study of knowledge; theory of knowledge, asking…
epistemology n. (Countable) A particular instance, version, or school thereof; a particular theory of knowledge.
EPISTEMOLOGY n. the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of knowledge.
IMPINGEMENTSimpingements n. Plural of impingement.
IMPINGEMENT n. the act of impinging.
IMPLEMENTINGimplementing v. Present participle of implement.
IMPLEMENT v. to put into practice.
MISTEMPERINGmistempering v. Present participle of mistemper.
MISTEMPER v. (obsolete) to temper ill; to disorder.
NONPIGMENTEDnonpigmented adj. Not pigmented.
PASSEMENTINGPASSEMENT v. to trim with braid.
PREEXEMPTINGPREEXEMPT v. to exempt beforehand.
PREMARKETINGpremarketing adj. Before the marketing of a product or service.
PREMARKET v. to market in advance.
REATTEMPTINGreattempting v. Present participle of reattempt.
REATTEMPT v. to attempt again.
REPIGMENTINGrepigmenting v. Present participle of repigment.
REPIGMENT v. to pigment again.
SEMPSTERINGSSEMPSTERING n. working as a sempster.
TEMPTINGNESStemptingness n. The quality of being tempting; allure.
TEMPTINGNESS n. the state of being tempting.
TIMEKEEPINGStimekeepings n. Plural of timekeeping.
TIMEKEEPING n. keeping punctual time.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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