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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing 2E, G, I, 2M and T

CENTIGRAMMEScentigrammes n. Plural of centigramme.
CENTIGRAMME n. 1/100th of a gramme, also CENTIGRAM.
ENTRAMMELINGentrammeling v. Present participle of entrammel.
ENTRAMMEL v. to trammel; to entangle.
GEOMAGNETISMgeomagnetism n. The magnetism of the Earth.
geomagnetism n. The science that studies the magnetism of the Earth.
GEOMAGNETISM n. the state of being geomagnetic.
HELLGRAMMITEhellgrammite n. Alternative spelling of hellgramite.
HELLGRAMMITE n. the large brown aquatic larva of the Dobson fly, also HELLGRAMITE.
IMPINGEMENTSimpingements n. Plural of impingement.
IMPINGEMENT n. the act of impinging.
IMPLEMENTINGimplementing v. Present participle of implement.
IMPLEMENT v. to put into practice.
MICROGAMETESmicrogametes n. Plural of microgamete.
MICROGAMETE n. the smaller, generally the male, gamete.
MISESTEEMINGmisesteeming v. Present participle of misesteem.
MISESTEEM v. to lack esteem for; to disrespect.
MISJUDGEMENTmisjudgement n. Alternative form of misjudgment.
MISJUDGEMENT n. an erroneous judgment, also MISJUDGMENT.
MISTEMPERINGmistempering v. Present participle of mistemper.
MISTEMPER v. (obsolete) to temper ill; to disorder.
SUMMERWEIGHTsummerweight adj. (Of clothing) Of relatively light weight, intended for use in warm summers.
SUMMERWEIGHT adj. of clothes, suitable in weight for wear in the summer; relatively light.
TELEGRAMMINGtelegramming v. Present participle of telegram.
TELEGRAM v. to send a message by telegraph.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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