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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing 2E, F, N, O and 2T

AFFECTIONATEaffectionate adj. (Of a person) Having affection or warm regard; loving; fond.
affectionate adj. (Of an action, etc.) Characterised by or proceeding from affection; indicating love; tender.
affectionate adj. (Obsolete) Eager; passionate; strongly inclined toward something.
CONFUTEMENTSCONFUTEMENT n. the act of confuting.
COUNTERFEITScounterfeits n. Plural of counterfeit.
counterfeits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of counterfeit.
COUNTERFEIT v. to imitate or feign esp. with intent to deceive.
DEFECTIONISTdefectionist n. One who advocates or encourages defection.
DEFECTIONIST n. one who defects.
EFFECTUATIONeffectuation n. An act of effectuating.
EFFECTUATION n. the act of effectuating.
FENESTRATIONfenestration n. (Architecture) The arrangement of windows and similar openings in a building.
fenestration n. (Surgery, anatomy) An opening in the surface of an organ etc; the surgical creation of such an opening…
fenestration n. (Surgery, anatomy) An opening that occurs naturally or is created surgically, as through a biological membrane.
FERMENTATIONfermentation n. (Biochemistry) Any of many anaerobic biochemical reactions in which an enzyme (or several enzymes produced…
fermentation n. A state of agitation or excitement; a ferment.
FERMENTATION n. a chemical change with effervescence, as by the action of yeast.
FETOPROTEINSfetoproteins n. Plural of fetoprotein.
FETOPROTEIN n. any of several fetal antigens present in the adult in some abnormal conditions.
FIANCHETTOEDfianchettoed v. Simple past tense and past participle of fianchetto.
FIANCHETTO v. to develop the bishop.
FIANCHETTOESfianchettoes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fianchetto.
FIANCHETTO v. to develop the bishop.
FOOTPLATEMENfootplatemen n. Plural of footplateman.
footplate␣men n. Plural of footplate man.
FOOTPLATEMAN n. a train driver or assistant.
FORESTALMENTforestalment n. Alternative form of forestallment.
FORESTALMENT n. the act of forestalling.
FOURTEENTHLYfourteenthly adv. In the fourteenth place; fourteenth in a row.
FOURTEENTH adv. number fourteen in sequence.
INTERFOLIATEinterfoliate v. (Obsolete) To interleave.
INTERFOLIATE v. to interleave.
METRIFONATESMETRIFONATE n. an organophosphorus insecticide, aka trichlorfon.
PERFECTATIONperfectation n. The process or result of perfecting something.
PERFECTATION n. making perfect.
TEPEFACTIONSTEPEFACTION n. making or becoming tepid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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