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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing 2E, F, G, L, N and T

ELECTRIFYINGelectrifying v. Present participle of electrify.
electrifying adj. That electrifies.
electrifying adj. Thrilling or startling.
FINGERPLATESfingerplates n. Plural of fingerplate.
FINGERPLATE n. a plate to protect a door from dirty fingers.
FLEETINGNESSfleetingness n. The quality of being fleeting.
FLEETINGNESS n. the state of being fleeting.
FORETRIANGLEforetriangle n. (Nautical) A triangular space on a sailing ship between the deck, foremast, and forestay.
FORETRIANGLE n. the triangular area formed by the deck, foremast, and headstay of a sailing vessel.
FREESTYLINGSfreestylings n. Plural of freestyling.
FREESTYLING n. the act of swimming freestyle.
GENUFLECTINGgenuflecting v. Present participle of genuflect.
GENUFLECT v. to bend the knee and lower the body, esp. in reverence.
GENUFLECTIONgenuflection n. The act of genuflecting.
GENUFLECTION n. the act of bending the knee, also GENUFLEXION.
GENUFLECTORSgenuflectors n. Plural of genuflector.
GENUFLECTOR n. one who genuflects.
GRATEFULNESSgratefulness n. The state of being grateful.
GRATEFULNESS n. the state of being grateful.
NEGLECTFULLYneglectfully adv. In a neglectful manner.
NEGLECTFUL adv. full of neglect.
PELLETIFYINGPELLETIFY v. to make into a pellet.
REFLECTINGLYreflectingly adv. With mental reflection; thoughtfully.
REFLECTING adv. REFLECT, to be mirrored.
SINGLEFOOTEDsinglefooted v. Simple past tense and past participle of singlefoot.
UNREFLECTINGunreflecting adj. (Of a person) Not giving reflection or thought to one’s actions, words, conclusions, etc.; (Of an action…
unreflecting adj. That does not reflect light or sound.
UNREFLECTING adj. not reflecting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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