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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing 3E, M and 3T

ATTEMPERMENTattemperment n. Obsolete form of attemperament.
ATTEMPERMENT n. the act of attempering.
BATTLEMENTEDbattlemented adj. Furnished with battlements, as the ramparts of a city or castle.
BATTLEMENTED adj. having a battlement.
BELITTLEMENTbelittlement n. An act of belittling.
BELITTLEMENT n. the act of belittling.
CATHETOMETERcathetometer n. An instrument used to measure small vertical distances, such as the levels of liquid in tubes.
CATHETOMETER n. an instrument for measuring short vertical distances.
CURETTEMENTScurettements n. Plural of curettement.
CURETTEMENT n. the act of curetting.
EMBATTLEMENTembattlement n. (Countable) A battlement.
embattlement n. (Uncountable) The state of being embattled.
EMBATTLEMENT n. a battlement.
EMBITTERMENTembitterment n. (Uncountable) The state of being embittered.
embitterment n. (Countable) Something which embitters.
EMBITTERMENT n. the act of embittering.
ENTITLEMENTSentitlements n. Plural of entitlement.
ENTITLEMENT n. the state or condition of being entitled.
ENTREATMENTSentreatments n. Plural of entreatment.
ENTREATMENT n. the act of entreating.
METHOTREXATEmethotrexate n. (Pharmacology) An antimetabolite and antifolate drug used in treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases.
METHOTREXATE n. a drug used in the treatment of cancer.
PRETERMITTEDpretermitted v. Simple past tense and past participle of pretermit.
PRETERMIT v. to omit, neglect to mention.
PRETREATMENTpretreatment adj. Prior to treatment.
pretreatment n. Any treatment received before some other process.
PRETREATMENT n. treatment in advance.
RESETTLEMENTresettlement n. The transportation of a group of people to a new settlement.
RESETTLEMENT n. the act of resettling.
RESTATEMENTSrestatements n. Plural of restatement.
Restatements n. Plural of Restatement.
RESTATEMENT n. something that is restated.
THESMOTHETESthesmothetes n. Plural of thesmothete.
THESMOTHETE n. a lawgiver.
UNSETTLEMENTunsettlement n. The quality of being unsettled; upset or unrest.
unsettlement n. A illegal or unofficial settlement, or community of people living together.
UNSETTLEMENT n. an act, process, or instance of unsettling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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