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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing 3E, M, 2O and R

DEUTEROSTOMEdeuterostome n. (Zoology) Any animal, of the subphylum Deuterostomia, in which the initial pore formed during gastrulation…
DEUTEROSTOME n. any of a major division of the animal kingdom that includes the bilaterally symmetrical animals.
EMBOURGEOISEembourgeoise v. (Transitive) To make bourgeois; to gentrify.
embourgeoisé adj. Made or become bourgeois.
EMBOURGEOISE v. to cause to become bourgeois or middle-class.
ENCOMENDEROSENCOMENDERO n. the commander of an encomienda.
ENDOSMOMETERendosmometer n. An instrument for measuring the force or amount of endosmotic action.
ENDOSMOMETER n. an instrument for measuring osmosis into a solution.
ENTEROTOMIESenterotomies n. Plural of enterotomy.
ENTEROTOMY n. incision of the intestines, esp. in reducing certain cases of hernia.
EVAPOROMETERevaporometer n. An instrument for measuring evaporation; an atmometer.
EVAPOROMETER n. an instrument for measuring rate of evaporation, also EVAPORIMETER.
FOREBODEMENTforebodement n. The act of foreboding.
forebodement n. The thing foreboded.
FOREBODEMENT n. a feeling of coming evil.
HETEROMEROUSheteromerous adj. (Biology) Having different types or numbers of parts (within the same or similar structure).
HETEROMEROUS adj. unequal or different parts within the same structure.
HETERONOMIESheteronomies n. Plural of heteronomy.
HETERONOMY n. subordination or subjection to the law of another, as opposed to autonomy.
HOMOEOMERIEShomoeomeries n. Plural of homoeomery.
HOMOEOMERY n. the state of being homoeomeric, having all the somites alike, also HOMEOMERY.
METEOROLITESmeteorolites n. Plural of meteorolite.
METEOROLITE n. a meteoric stone.
MONOTERPENESmonoterpenes n. Plural of monoterpene.
MONOTERPENE n. any of a class of terpenes containing two isoprene units per molecule.
MOROSENESSESmorosenesses n. Plural of moroseness.
MOROSENESS n. the state of being morose.
OVERENAMOREDoverenamored adj. Excessively enamored; too much in love.
OVERENAMORED adj. excessively enamored, also OVERENAMOURED.
OVERFREEDOMSOVERFREEDOM n. an excess of freedom.
STEREOCHROMEstereochrome n. A stereochromic picture.
STEREOCHROME n. a mural painting fixed with waterglass.
STEREOCHROME v. to paint a mural fixed with waterglass.
STEREOISOMERstereoisomer n. (Chemistry) one of a set of the isomers of a compound that exhibits stereoisomerism.
STEREOISOMER n. any of a group of isomers in which atoms are linked in the same order but differ in their spatial arrangement.
STEREOTOMIESSTEREOTOMY n. the cutting of stone or other solid materials.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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