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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing 3E, G, N and 2O

EMMENOLOGIESEMMENOLOGY n. the study of menstruation.
ETONOGESTRELetonogestrel n. A steroidal progestin used in hormonal contraceptives.
ETONOGESTREL n. a molecule used in certain hormonal contraceptives.
FOREGONENESSforegoneness n. The quality of being foregone.
FOREGONENESS n. the state of being foregone.
GENECOLOGIESgenecologies n. Plural of genecology.
GENECOLOGY n. the study of the gene frequency of a species in relation to its population distribution within a particular environment.
HETEROGENOUSheterogenous adj. (Genetics) derived from a different individual or species.
heterogenous adj. Alternative spelling of heterogeneous.
HETEROGENOUS adj. originating outside the body.
HETEROGONIESheterogonies n. Plural of heterogony.
HETEROGONY n. the condition of having two or more kinds of flowers, different as to the length of their stamens and pistils.
ORTHOGENESESorthogeneses n. Plural of orthogenesis.
ORTHOGENESIS n. the belief that biological variation results in new species, always along the same path.
OSTEOGENESESosteogeneses n. Plural of osteogenesis.
OSTEOGENESIS n. the production or formation of bone.
OSTEOGENESISosteogenesis n. (Physiology) The formation and development of bone.
OSTEOGENESIS n. the production or formation of bone.
OSTEOGENETICosteogenetic adj. (Physiology) Connected with osteogenesis, or the formation of bone.
OSTEOGENETIC adj. relating to the formation of bone, also OSTEOGENIC.
OVERGENEROUSovergenerous adj. Generous to an excessive degree.
OVERGENEROUS adj. excessively generous.
OVERGOVERNEDovergoverned v. Simple past tense and past participle of overgovern.
OVERGOVERN v. to govern to excess.
PREGNENOLONEpregnenolone n. (Biochemistry, steroids) A steroid prohormone involved in the steroidogenesis of progesterone, mineralocorticoids…
PREGNENOLONE n. a steroid ketone formed by the oxidation of steroids and yielding progesterone on dehydrogenation.
PROGESTERONEprogesterone n. (Biochemistry, steroids, uncountable) A steroid hormone, secreted by the ovaries, whose function is…
progesterone n. (Biochemistry, steroids, countable) A synthetic version of the compound, used in contraceptive pills…
PROGESTERONE n. a female sex hormone that prepares the uterus for the fertilized ovum and maintains pregnancy.
SELENOLOGIESselenologies n. Plural of selenology.
SELENOLOGY n. the study of the moon.
SPOROGENESESsporogeneses n. Plural of sporogenesis.
SPOROGENESIS n. reproduction by means of spores.
STEREOGNOSESSTEREOGNOSIS n. the ability to establish the weight and form of an object by touch alone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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