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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing 3E, G, 2N and P

DEPREHENDINGdeprehending v. Present participle of deprehend.
DEPREHEND v. (obsolete) to catch; to seize.
EXPERIENCINGexperiencing v. Present participle of experience.
EXPERIENCE v. to have practical acquaintance with.
GENTLEPERSONgentleperson n. A gentleman or gentlewoman; a member of the gentry.
GENTLEPERSON n. a gentleman or lady.
HYPNOGENESESHYPNOGENESIS n. production of the hypnotic state, also HYPNOGENY.
MINESWEEPINGminesweeping n. (Nautical) The detection and safe disposal of mines.
minesweeping n. (Slang) The act of looking for and drinking half-drunk alcoholic drinks that have been left by other…
MINESWEEPING n. searching for mines.
PALINGENESESpalingeneses n. Plural of palingenesis.
PALINGENESIS n. the remelting of rock followed by solidification into a different form, also PALINGENESIA, PALINGENESY.
PENGUINERIESpenguineries n. Plural of penguinery.
PENGUINERY n. a breeding place, or rookery, of penguins, also PENGUINRY.
PREGNENOLONEpregnenolone n. (Biochemistry, steroids) A steroid prohormone involved in the steroidogenesis of progesterone, mineralocorticoids…
PREGNENOLONE n. a steroid ketone formed by the oxidation of steroids and yielding progesterone on dehydrogenation.
PRESCREENINGprescreening v. Present participle of prescreen.
prescreening n. A screening for problems in advance.
PRESCREEN v. to screen in advance.
REPREHENDINGreprehending v. Present participle of reprehend.
REPREHEND v. to rebuke.
REPRESENTINGrepresenting v. Present participle of represent.
representing n. An act of representation.
REPRESENT v. to exhibit the image of; to use, or serve, as a symbol for.
SWEEPINGNESSsweepingness n. The quality of being sweeping; broadness of scope.
SWEEPINGNESS n. the state of being sweeping.
UNDERKEEPINGunderkeeping v. Present participle of underkeep.
UNDERKEEP v. (Spenser) to keep under; to suppress.
UNDERPEEPINGunderpeeping v. Present participle of underpeep.
UNDERPEEP v. (Shakespeare) to peep under.
WEAPONEERINGweaponeering v. Present participle of weaponeer.
WEAPONEERING n. the act of fitting out with weapons.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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