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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing 3E, G and 3N

ENDANGERMENTendangerment n. The act of putting someone into danger, or the condition of being in danger.
endangerment n. (Law) The exposure of someone, especially a child, to danger or harm.
ENDANGERMENT n. the act of endangering.
ENDENIZENINGendenizening v. Present participle of endenizen.
ENDENIZEN v. to admit to the privileges of a denizen; to naturalize.
ENGENDERMENTengenderment n. The process of engendering, or giving rise to, something.
ENGENDERMENT n. the act of engendering.
ENGINEERINGSengineerings n. Plural of engineering.
ENGINEERING n. the business of the engineer.
ENHEARTENINGenheartening v. Present participle of enhearten.
ENHEARTEN v. to encourage, give heart to.
ENKERNELLINGenkernelling v. Present participle of enkernel.
ENKERNEL v. to enclose in a kernel.
ENTANGLEMENTentanglement n. The act of entangling.
entanglement n. The state or condition of being entangled; intricate and confused involution.
entanglement n. That which entangles; an involvement, a complication; an intricacy; a perplexity.
NONEMERGENCYnonemergency adj. Not an emergency.
nonemergency adj. Not involved in emergency services, such as fire or rescue.
nonemergency n. Something that is not an emergency.
PREGNENOLONEpregnenolone n. (Biochemistry, steroids) A steroid prohormone involved in the steroidogenesis of progesterone, mineralocorticoids…
PREGNENOLONE n. a steroid ketone formed by the oxidation of steroids and yielding progesterone on dehydrogenation.
RESENTENCINGresentencing v. Present participle of resentence.
re-sentencing v. Present participle of re-sentence.
RESENTENCE v. to sentence again.
SONNETEERINGsonneteering v. Present participle of sonneteer.
sonneteering n. The writing of sonnets.
SONNETEERING n. the composition of sonnets.
UNENDANGEREDunendangered adj. Not endangered.
UNENDANGERED adj. not endangered.
UNGENTLENESSungentleness n. (Obsolete) Discourteousness, lack of proper breeding; unchivalrousness.
ungentleness n. Harshness, roughness.
UNGENTLENESS n. the state of being ungentle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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