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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing 3E, G, L, P and S

DEPHLEGMATESdephlegmates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dephlegmate.
DEPHLEGMATE v. to distill something, such as alcohol.
DIPLOGENESESdiplogeneses n. Plural of diplogenesis.
DIPLOGENESIS n. the doubling of ordinarily single organ or part.
ESPAGNOLETTEespagnolette n. A locking device normally mounted on a pair French windows or casement window.
ESPAGNOLETTE n. (French) the fastening of a French window.
ESPIEGLERIESespiegleries n. Plural of espieglerie.
ESPIEGLERIE n. (French) the quality of being espiegle, roguish.
GENTLEPERSONgentleperson n. A gentleman or gentlewoman; a member of the gentry.
GENTLEPERSON n. a gentleman or lady.
OVERSLEEPINGoversleeping v. Present participle of oversleep.
OVERSLEEP v. to sleep past a planned time for waking.
PALINGENESESpalingeneses n. Plural of palingenesis.
PALINGENESIS n. the remelting of rock followed by solidification into a different form, also PALINGENESIA, PALINGENESY.
PHYLOGENESESphylogeneses n. Plural of phylogenesis.
PHYLOGENESIS n. the evolutionary development of a species or other group of organisms through a succession of forms.
PRERELEASINGprereleasing v. Present participle of prerelease.
PRERELEASE v. to release in advance.
PRESELECTINGpreselecting v. Present participle of preselect.
PRESELECT v. to select in advance.
SPELEOLOGIESspeleologies n. Plural of speleology.
SPELEOLOGY n. the study and exploration of caves, also SPELAEOLOGY.
SPIEGELEISENspiegeleisen n. A ferromanganese alloy containing approximately 15% manganese and small quantities of carbon and silicon.
SPIEGELEISEN n. (German) an iron alloy used in the Bessemer process, also SPIEGEL.
SPREADEAGLEDspreadeagled v. Simple past tense and past participle of spreadeagle.
spread-eagled v. Simple past tense and past participle of spread-eagle.
spread-eagled adj. In a spread eagle position.
TELEGRAPHERStelegraphers n. Plural of telegrapher.
TELEGRAPHER n. one who operates a telegraph.
TELEGRAPHESEtelegraphese n. The terse, abbreviated writing style used in or as used in telegraph messages; speech that resembles this.
TELEGRAPHESE n. language characterized by the terseness and ellipses that are common in telegrams.
TELEGRAPHIEStelegraphies n. Plural of telegraphy.
TELEGRAPHY n. the use or operation of a telegraph apparatus or system for communication.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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