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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing 3E, F, L and 2N

BENEFICENTLYbeneficently adv. In a beneficent manner.
BENEFICENT adv. doing or producing good, also BENEFICENTIAL.
ENFEEBLEMENTenfeeblement n. The act of enfeebling; debilitation, enervation or devitalization.
ENFEEBLEMENT n. the act of enfeebling.
EVENTFULNESSeventfulness n. The property of being eventful.
EVENTFULNESS n. the state of being eventful.
FALLENNESSESSorry, definition not available.
FELINENESSESFELINENESS n. the state of being feline.
FENNELFLOWERfennelflower n. Nigella sativa, an annual flowering plant native to south and southwest Asia.
fennelflower n. Nigella damascena, ragged lady.
FENNELFLOWER n. any of various species of the plant nigella with finely-divided leaves.
FINEABLENESSFINEABLENESS n. the state of being fineable.
FLANNELETTESflannelettes n. Plural of flannelette.
FLANNELETTE n. a cotton imitation of flannel, also FLANNELET.
FLEETINGNESSfleetingness n. The quality of being fleeting.
FLEETINGNESS n. the state of being fleeting.
FLUENTNESSESFLUENTNESS n. the quality of being fluent.
INDEFENSIBLEindefensible adj. Not defensible; not capable of being defended.
indefensible adj. Incapable of being justified or excused.
indefensible adj. Incapable of being explained.
INTERFLUENCEinterfluence n. The condition of being interfluent.
INTERFLUENCE n. a flowing between.
NONREFLEXIVEnonreflexive adj. Not reflexive.
non-reflexive adj. Alternative form of nonreflexive.
NONREFLEXIVE adj. not reflexive.
UNREVENGEFULunrevengeful adj. Not revengeful.
UNREVENGEFUL adj. not revengeful.
VENGEFULNESSvengefulness n. The state or quality of being vengeful.
VENGEFULNESS n. the state of being vengeful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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