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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing 4E, M, P and T

EMPIECEMENTSEMPIECEMENT n. (French) an insertion in a garment.
EMPRESSEMENTempressement n. (Archaic) Animated cordiality; friendliness, enthusiasm.
EMPRESSEMENT n. (French) extreme politeness.
ESTREPEMENTSestrepements n. Plural of estrepement.
ESTREPEMENT n. the act of estreping.
ETEPIMELETICetepimeletic adj. (Zoology) Of animal behaviours: aimed at receiving care from others.
ETEPIMELETIC adj. of a type of social behaviour shown by young animals to elicit epimeletic behaviour.
EXPERIMENTEDexperimented v. Simple past tense and past participle of experiment.
EXPERIMENT v. to carry out experiments.
EXPERIMENTERexperimenter n. A person who experiments.
EXPERIMENTER n. one who experiments.
HEMITERPENEShemiterpenes n. Plural of hemiterpene.
HEMITERPENE n. any of a class of simple unsaturated hydrocarbons, such as isoprene.
NEPHELOMETERnephelometer n. (Analytical chemistry) An instrument for measuring various aspects of the suspended particles in a fluid;…
NEPHELOMETER n. an instrument for measuring cloudiness.
PENETROMETERpenetrometer n. A mechanical device that measures the ease of penetration of an object into a semisolid.
penetrometer n. A device that measures the penetrating power of electromagnetic radiation (especially X-rays).
PENETROMETER n. an instrument for measuring the firmness or consistency of substances.
PERMEAMETERSpermeameters n. Plural of permeameter.
PERMEAMETER n. instrument for measuring permeability.
PREDETERMINEpredetermine v. (Transitive) To determine or decide in advance.
predetermine v. (Transitive) To doom by previous decree; to foredoom.
pre-determine v. Alternative form of predetermine.
PRESENTEEISMpresenteeism n. (Chiefly UK) The fact of being present at work, especially if one is too sick to be productive, or working…
PRESENTEEISM n. ostentatious attendance at work.
SPEEDOMETERSspeedometers n. Plural of speedometer.
SPEEDOMETER n. an instrument for measuring speed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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