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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing E, 2P, 2S, T and U

APPARATUSESapparatuses n. Plural of apparatus.
APPARATUS n. things prepared or provided.
DEPUTYSHIPSdeputyships n. Plural of deputyship.
PERIPATUSESperipatuses n. Plural of peripatus.
PERIPATUS n. a member of the genus Peripatus, having both arthropod and annelid characteristics.
PHOSPHURETSphosphurets n. Plural of phosphuret.
PHOSPHURET n. (obsolete) a phosphide, also PHOSPHORET.
PURPORTLESSpurportless adj. Without purport or meaning.
PURPORTLESS adj. without purport.
SUPERSCRIPTsuperscript n. (Typography) A type of lettering form that appears as a number, figure, or symbol above the normal line…
superscript adj. Placed above the normal line of text.
superscript v. (Mathematics, sciences, typography, transitive, of a variable) To provide with a superscript.
SUPPERTIMESsuppertimes n. Plural of suppertime.
supper-times n. Plural of supper-time.
supper␣times n. Plural of supper time.
SUPPLANTERSsupplanters n. Plural of supplanter.
SUPPLANTER n. one who supplants.
SUPPLEMENTSsupplements n. Plural of supplement.
supplements v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of supplement.
SUPPLEMENT v. to add or serve as a supplement to.
SUPPLETIONSsuppletions n. Plural of suppletion.
SUPPLETION n. addition; supplement.
SUPPLETIVESsuppletives n. Plural of suppletive.
SUPPLETIVE n. something supplementary.
SUPPLICATESsupplicates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of supplicate.
SUPPLICATE v. to entreat for.
SUPPLYMENTSsupplyments n. Plural of supplyment.
SUPPLYMENT n. (Shakespeare) a supplying or furnishing.
SUPPORTLESSsupportless adj. Lacking support; unsupported.
SUPPORTLESS adj. without support.
SUPPORTRESSsupportress n. (Archaic) A female supporter.
SUPPORTRESS n. a female supporter.
SUPPOSITIVEsuppositive adj. Including or implying supposition, or hypothesis; supposed.
suppositive n. A word denoting or implying supposition.
SUPPOSITIVE adj. suppositional.
SUPPRESSANTsuppressant n. A substance that suppresses.
SUPPRESSANT n. a drug that tends to suppress or reduce in intensity rather than eliminate something.
TROPOPAUSEStropopauses n. Plural of tropopause.
TROPOPAUSE n. the level of the atmosphere where the troposphere ends and stratosphere begins.
UPSTEPPINGSUPSTEPPING n. the act of stepping up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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