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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing E, O, P, 2S and 2U

CORPUSCULEScorpuscules n. Plural of corpuscule.
CORPUSCULE n. a cell or other minute body suspended in fluid, esp. a red or white cell in the blood, also CORPUSCLE.
PERSPICUOUSperspicuous adj. Clearly expressed, easy to understand; lucid.
perspicuous adj. (Logic) Of a language or notation, such as that of formal propositional calculus: where the process…
perspicuous adj. (Rare) Transparent; translucent.
PSEUDOBULBSpseudobulbs n. Plural of pseudobulb.
PSEUDOBULB n. a swollen stem internode in some orchids.
SEPULCHROUSsepulchrous adj. Sepulchral.
SEPULCHROUS adj. of or like a sepulchre.
STUPENDIOUSstupendious adj. (Obsolete) Stupendous.
STUPENDIOUS adj. (Milton) stupendous.
SULPHUREOUSsulphureous adj. (British spelling, now rare) Sulphurous.
SULPHUREOUS adj. pertaining to or like sulphur, also SULFUREOUS.
SUPERFLUOUSsuperfluous adj. In excess of what is required or sufficient.
SUPERFLUOUS adj. extraneous.
SUPERFUSIONsuperfusion n. (Medicine) The continuous flowing of a sustaining fluid over the outside of an isolated organ.
SUPERFUSION n. the act of superfusing.
SUPERGROUPSsupergroups n. Plural of supergroup.
SUPERGROUP n. a pop group made up of established solo artists.
SUPERJUMBOSsuperjumbos n. Plural of superjumbo.
SUPERJUMBO n. a very large airliner.
SUPERSCOUTSsuperscouts n. Plural of superscout.
SUPERSCOUT n. a superlative scout.
SUPERSOUNDSsupersounds n. Plural of supersound.
SUPERSOUND n. sound vibrations too rapid to be audible.
TEMPESTUOUStempestuous adj. Of, or resembling, a tempest; stormy, tumultuous.
TEMPESTUOUS adj. of or like a tempest.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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