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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing E, N, 3S, U and V

ABUSIVENESSabusiveness n. The quality of being abusive; rudeness of language, or violence to the person.
ABUSIVENESS n. the quality of being abusive.
AMUSIVENESSamusiveness n. The state or quality of being amusive.
AMUSIVENESS n. the state of being amusive.
CURSIVENESScursiveness n. The state or quality of being cursive.
CURSIVENESS n. the state of being cursive.
CURVINESSESCURVINESS n. the state of being curved.
DEVIOUSNESSdeviousness n. The characteristic of being devious; sneakiness; underhandedness.
DEVIOUSNESS n. the state of being devious.
ELUSIVENESSelusiveness n. The state of being elusive.
ELUSIVENESS n. the state of being elusive.
ENVIOUSNESSenviousness n. The state of being envious.
ENVIOUSNESS n. the state of being envious.
NERVOUSNESSnervousness n. The state or quality of being nervous.
NERVOUSNESS n. the state of being nervous.
OBVIOUSNESSobviousness n. The characteristic of being obvious.
OBVIOUSNESS n. the state of being obvious.
SAVOURINESSsavouriness n. Alternative form of savoriness.
SAVOURINESS n. the state of being savoury.
SUASIVENESSsuasiveness n. (Rare) The act of urging or influencing; persuasion.
suasiveness n. Persuasiveness.
SUASIVENESS n. the state of being suasive.
SUAVENESSESSUAVENESS n. the state of being suave, also SUAVITY.
SUBVERSIONSsubversions n. Plural of subversion.
SUBVERSION n. the act of subverting.
VACUOUSNESSvacuousness n. The quality of being vacuous.
VACUOUSNESS n. the state of being vacuous.
VAGUENESSESvaguenesses n. Plural of vagueness.
VAGUENESS n. the state of being vague.
VARIOUSNESSvariousness n. The state or property of being various.
VARIOUSNESS n. the state of being various.
VICIOUSNESSviciousness n. The characteristic of being vicious.
viciousness n. The desire to cause harm to others; extreme cruelty.
VICIOUSNESS n. the state of being vicious.
VISCOUNTESSviscountess n. The wife of a viscount.
viscountess n. A woman holding the rank of viscount in her own right.
VISCOUNTESS n. the wife or widow of a viscount.
VISCOUSNESSviscousness n. Viscosity.
VISCOUSNESS n. the state of being viscous.
VOGUISHNESSvoguishness n. The state or condition of being voguish.
VOGUISHNESS n. the state of being in vogue.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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