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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing E, N, 2O, 2R and W

BROWNNOSERSbrownnosers n. Plural of brownnoser.
brown-nosers n. Plural of brown-noser.
brown␣nosers n. Plural of brown noser.
CORNFLOWERScornflowers n. Plural of cornflower.
CORNFLOWER n. a beautiful blue-flowered cornfield weed of the Compositae.
COUNTERWORDcounterword n. A word (for example so) that is frequently used in a reflex-like manner in an answer and that has thereby…
counterword n. Such a word (or a word that has gone through a similar change) when not used as a reflex-like answer.
COUNTERWORD n. a word widely used in a sense much looser than its original meaning, such as 'tremendous' or 'awful'.
COUNTERWORKcounterwork v. (Transitive) To work in opposition to; to counteract.
COUNTERWORK v. to work in opposition to.
IRONWORKERSironworkers n. Plural of ironworker.
IRONWORKER n. one who works in iron.
JOURNEYWORKjourneywork n. (Obsolete) Work done by the day.
journeywork n. Work done by a journeyman at his trade.
JOURNEYWORK n. work done by a journeyman.
MARROWBONESmarrowbones n. Plural of marrowbone.
MARROWBONE n. a bone containing marrow; in plural, the knees.
OVERBROWINGoverbrowing v. Present participle of overbrow.
OVERBROW v. (archaic) to overhang like a brow.
OVERCROWINGovercrowing v. Present participle of overcrow.
OVERCROW v. to triumph over, also OVERCRAW.
OVERGROWINGovergrowing v. Present participle of overgrow.
OVERGROW v. to grow over.
OVERWORKINGoverworking v. Present participle of overwork.
OVERWORK v. to cause to work too hard.
PERSONPOWERpersonpower n. Manpower; workforce.
person-power n. Alternative spelling of personpower.
PERSONPOWER n. manpower, applying to either sex.
REBORROWINGreborrowing n. (Linguistics) A word that passed from language A into language B and thence back into language A. Such…
reborrowing n. Something reborrowed.
reborrowing v. Present participle of reborrow.
SNOWBOARDERsnowboarder n. Someone who snowboards.
SNOWBOARDER n. one who rides on a snowboard.
STONEWORKERstoneworker n. One who produces stonework.
STONEWORKER n. a worker in stone.
WHOREMONGERwhoremonger n. (Britain, vulgar) A frequent customer of whores.
whoremonger n. (Britain, vulgar) A procurer of whores; a pimp.
WHOREMONGER n. a man consorting with whores or given to lechery.
WONDERWORKSwonderworks n. Plural of wonderwork.
WONDERWORK n. a prodigy, a miracle.
WORDMONGERSwordmongers n. Plural of wordmonger.
WORDMONGER n. a writer or speaker who uses language pretentiously or carelessly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 104 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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