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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing E, 2N, S and 3T

ANTISTUDENTantistudent adj. Opposing students.
ANTISTUDENT adj. opposed to students.
ATTAINMENTSattainments n. Plural of attainment.
ATTAINMENT n. the act of attaining.
ATTENDMENTSattendments n. Plural of attendment.
ATTENDMENT n. an attendant circumstance.
ATTORNMENTSattornments n. Plural of attornment.
ATTORNMENT n. the acknowledgement of a new landlord.
ATTUNEMENTSattunements n. Plural of attunement.
ATTUNEMENT n. the state of being attuned.
CONSTITUENTconstituent adj. Being a part, or component of a whole.
constituent adj. Constitutive or constituting; (politics) authorized to make a constitution.
constituent n. A part, or component of a whole.
CONTESTANTScontestants n. Plural of contestant.
CONTESTANT n. one that participates in a contest.
ENTRUSTMENTentrustment n. The act of entrusting.
ENTRUSTMENT n. the act of entrusting.
INSTANTIATEinstantiate v. (Transitive) To represent#Verb (a concept#Noun, theme#Noun, or principle#Noun) by an instance#Noun.
instantiate v. (Transitive, object-oriented programming) To create an object (an instance) of a specific class.
INSTANTIATE v. to represent (an abstraction) by a concrete instance.
INSTATEMENTinstatement n. The act or process of instating.
INSTATEMENT n. the act of instating.
INTRUSTMENTINTRUSTMENT n. the act of intrusting.
OSTENTATIONostentation n. Ambitious display; vain show; display intended to excite admiration or applause.
ostentation n. (Obsolete) A show or spectacle.
OSTENTATION n. excessive display.
ROTTENSTONErottenstone n. (Geology) A soft, friable limestone, used in polishes.
rottenstone v. (Transitive) To polish with rottenstone.
rotten␣stone n. Alternative form of rottenstone.
TENNANTITEStennantites n. Plural of tennantite.
TENNANTITE n. a blackish lead-gray mineral, a sulphide of arsenic and copper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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