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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing E, 2N, 2R and 2T

ENTERTAINERentertainer n. A person who entertains others, esp. as a profession, as a singer, actor, presenter, dancer, musician…
entertainer n. Someone who puts on a show for the entertainment or enjoyment of others.
ENTERTAINER n. one who entertains.
INTERSTRAINinterstrain adj. (Biology) Between strains.
INTERSTRAIN adj. between strains.
INTERSTRANDinterstrand adj. Between strands.
INTERSTRAND adj. between strands.
INTERVENTORinterventor n. One who intervenes; a mediator, especially one designated by a church to reconcile parties and unite…
interventor n. (US) A mine inspector.
INTERVENTOR n. a mediator in ecclesiastical controversies.
IRRETENTIONirretention n. Absence of retention; the state or quality of being irretentive; lack of power to retain information.
IRRETENTION n. absence of retention or power to retain.
NONSTARTERSnonstarters n. Plural of nonstarter.
non-starters n. Plural of non-starter.
NONSTARTER n. a competitor in a sporting event who does not start; something or someone who has no chance.
REINTERMENTreinterment n. The act of interring again after exhumation.
REINTERMENT n. reburial.
REMONSTRANTremonstrant n. One who remonstrates, or issues (usually formal and written) protestations.
remonstrant adj. Inclined or tending to remonstrate; expostulatory; urging reasons in opposition to something.
Remonstrant n. (Protestantism, historical) A member of the Dutch Arminians whose divergence from Calvinism was expressed…
RESTRINGENTrestringent adj. (Obsolete) astringent; styptic.
restringent n. (Obsolete) A restringent medicine.
RESTRINGENT n. an astringent.
TETRANDRIANtetrandrian adj. (Botany) Belonging to the class Tetrandria.
TETRANDRIAN adj. having four stamens, also TETRANDROUS.
TRANSPARENTtransparent adj. (Of a material or object) See-through, clear; having the property that light passes through it almost…
transparent adj. (Of a system or organization) Open, public; having the property that theories and practices are publicly…
transparent adj. Obvious; readily apparent; easy to see or understand.
UNRESTRAINTunrestraint n. Lack of restraint; the quality of being unrestrained.
UNRESTRAINT n. freedom from or lack of restraint.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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