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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing E, L, N, 2P, S and T

EPIPLASTRONepiplastron n. (Anatomy) One of the first pair of lateral plates in the plastron of turtles.
EPIPLASTRON n. either of the two anterior lateral plates in the plastron of a turtle.
NIPPLEWORTSnippleworts n. Plural of nipplewort.
NIPPLEWORT n. a yellow-flowered composite herb, formerly used as an external application to the nipples of women.
NYMPHOLEPTSnympholepts n. Plural of nympholept.
NYMPHOLEPT n. one in state of nympholepsy, a trance incurred by erotic daydreams.
PENTAPLOIDSpentaploids n. Plural of pentaploid.
PENTAPLOID n. a cell, organism, or form with five sets of chromosomes.
PLANTSCAPESSorry, definition not available.
POPLINETTESPOPLINETTE n. an imitation poplin.
POSTPONABLEpostponable adj. That can be postponed.
POSTPONABLE adj. that can be postponed.
PRENUPTIALSprenuptials n. Plural of prenuptial.
PRENUPTIAL n. an arrangement made or occurring before marriage.
PROPELLANTSpropellants n. Plural of propellant.
PROPELLANT n. something that propels, also PROPELLENT.
PROPELLENTSpropellents n. Plural of propellent.
PROPELLENT n. something that propels, also PROPELLANT.
PROPELMENTSpropelments n. Plural of propelment.
PROPELMENT n. propulsion; a propelling motion.
STUNTPEOPLEstuntpeople n. Plural of stuntperson.
SUPPLANTERSsupplanters n. Plural of supplanter.
SUPPLANTER n. one who supplants.
SUPPLEMENTSsupplements n. Plural of supplement.
supplements v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of supplement.
SUPPLEMENT v. to add or serve as a supplement to.
SUPPLETIONSsuppletions n. Plural of suppletion.
SUPPLETION n. addition; supplement.
SUPPLYMENTSsupplyments n. Plural of supplyment.
SUPPLYMENT n. (Shakespeare) a supplying or furnishing.
THORNAPPLESthornapples n. Plural of thornapple.
thorn␣apples n. Plural of thorn apple.
TOWNSPEOPLEtownspeople n. Plural of townsperson.
TOWNSPEOPLE n. the inhabitants of a town or city.
UNSTOPPABLEunstoppable adj. Unable to be stopped.
UNSTOPPABLE adj. that cannot be stopped.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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