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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing E, L, 2N, 2O and R

COELENTERONcoelenteron n. The body cavity of a coelenterate.
COELENTERON n. a coelenterate's saclike body cavity.
CONTROLMENTcontrolment n. (Obsolete) Control.
CONTROLMENT n. the act or power of controlling.
ENCOLOURINGencolouring v. Present participle of encolour.
ENCOLOUR v. to colour or tinge.
FORLORNNESSforlornness n. The state or characteristic of being forlorn; sadness; loneliness.
FORLORNNESS n. the state of being forlorn.
GONFALONIERgonfalonier n. One who bears the gonfalon.
gonfalonier n. An official, particularly a chief magistrate of a mediaeval Italian republic; the bearer of the republic’s gonfalon.
GONFALONIER n. a person who carries a gonfalon; the chief magistrate in some medieval Italian republics.
MONONUCLEARmononuclear adj. (Biology) Having a single nucleus.
mononuclear adj. (Chemistry) monocyclic.
mononuclear n. (Biology) A cell having a single nucleus.
NANDROLONESnandrolones n. Plural of nandrolone.
NANDROLONE n. an androgenic anabolic steroid that is illegally used as a performance-enhancing drug by some athletes.
NOMENCLATORnomenclator n. An assistant who specializes in providing timely and spatially relevant reminders of the names of persons…
nomenclator n. One who assigns or constructs names for persons or objects or classes thereof, as in a scientific classification…
nomenclator n. A document containing such name assignments.
NONAEROSOLSnonaerosols n. Plural of nonaerosol.
NONCOLOREDSSorry, definition not available.
NONCOLOUREDnoncoloured adj. Alternative form of noncolored.
NONCOLOURED adj. not coloured, also NONCOLORED.
NONPERSONALnonpersonal adj. Not personal; impartial.
NONPERSONAL adj. not personal.
NONPORTABLEnonportable adj. Not portable.
NONPORTABLE adj. not portable.
NONPROBLEMSnonproblems n. Plural of nonproblem.
NONPROBLEM n. something that is not a problem.
NONTEMPORALnontemporal adj. Not temporal.
NONTEMPORAL adj. not temporal.
PROLONGMENTprolongment n. The act of prolonging, or the state of being prolonged; prolongation.
PROLONGMENT n. the act of prolonging.
RECONSOLINGreconsoling v. Present participle of reconsole.
RECONSOLE v. to console again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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