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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing E, 2L, 2O, P and R

ALLELOMORPHallelomorph n. (Genetics, obsolete) Synonym of allele.
ALLELOMORPH n. any one of the two or more possible forms of a gene, also ALLEL, ALLELE.
ALLOTROPIESallotropies n. Plural of allotropy.
ALLOTROPY n. the property whereby certain elements may exist in more than one crystal structure.
BULLETPROOFbulletproof adj. (Of a material) Capable of withstanding a direct shot by a bullet fired from a gun.
bulletproof adj. (Idiomatic) Reliable, infallible, sturdy or error-tolerant.
bulletproof adj. (Usually of an idea or concept) Unbreakable, very tough.
CLOPIDOGRELclopidogrel n. (Pharmacology) An oral antiplatelet agent used to inhibit blood clots in coronary artery disease, peripheral…
COLEOPTERALcoleopteral adj. (Zoology) Having wings covered with a case or sheath; coleopterous.
COLEOPTERAL adj. of or like any member of the insect order Coleoptera.
COMPTROLLEDcomptrolled v. Simple past tense and past participle of comptrol.
COMPTROLL v. (obsolete) to control, esp. in a financial sense, also CONTROL, CONTROUL, COUNTROL.
COMPTROLLERcomptroller n. The chief accountant of a company or government.
COMPTROLLER n. a royal household official who examines and supervises expenditures.
CORPOREALLYcorporeally adv. In a corporeal manner; bodily; physically.
CORPOREAL adv. relating to the body.
HALOPERIDOLhaloperidol n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic antidepressant drug used chiefly in the treatment of psychotic conditions.
HALOPERIDOL n. a synthetic tranquillizing drug used in treating psychiatric illnesses.
METOPROLOLSSorry, definition not available.
PETRODOLLARpetrodollar n. (Oil industry, chiefly in the plural, also attributively) Money (either notionally or specifically in…
PETRODOLLAR n. a dollar's worth of foreign exchange obtained by a petroleum exporting country through sales abroad.
PHILOLOGERSphilologers n. Plural of philologer.
PHILOLOGER n. a person who studies or has knowledge of philology, also PHILOLOGIAN, PHILOLOGIST, PHILOLOGUE.
PORTABELLOSportabellos n. Plural of portabello.
PORTABELLO n. a variety of button mushroom, also PORTABELLA, PORTOBELLO.
PORTOBELLASSorry, definition not available.
PORTOBELLOSportobellos n. Plural of portobello.
PORTOBELLO n. a variety of button mushroom, also PORTABELLA, PORTABELLO.
PRECOLONIALprecolonial adj. Of or pertaining to a historical period before colonisation.
precolonial n. An inhabitant of an area before colonists first arrived.
PRECOLONIAL adj. taking place before colonialism.
PROLONGABLEprolongable adj. Capable of being prolonged, extended, or lengthened.
PROLONGABLE adj. that can be prolonged.
PROTOCOLLEDprotocolled v. Simple past tense and past participle of protocol.
PROTOCOL v. to draw up a protocol.
TROLLOPIESTTROLLOPY adj. like a trollop.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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