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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing E, I, O, P, S and 2U

CUPRIFEROUScupriferous adj. Containing or producing copper.
CUPRIFEROUS adj. bearing copper.
EUPATORIUMSeupatoriums n. Plural of eupatorium.
EUPATORIUM n. any plant of the genus Eupatorium, of tropical America and the Caribbean, cultivated for their ornamental clusters of purple, pink, or white flowers.
EUPHORBIUMSEUPHORBIUM n. the resinous gum of certain succulent plants of the genus Euphorbia, formerly used as an emetic and purgative.
IMPECUNIOUSimpecunious adj. Lacking money.
IMPECUNIOUS adj. without money; penniless.
IMPETUOUSLYimpetuously adv. In an impetuous manner; with sudden force.
IMPETUOUS adv. tending to act in a rash or impulsive manner.
PENURIOUSLYpenuriously adv. In a penurious manner.
PENURIOUS adv. poor; mean.
PERSPICUOUSperspicuous adj. Clearly expressed, easy to understand; lucid.
perspicuous adj. (Logic) Of a language or notation, such as that of formal propositional calculus: where the process…
perspicuous adj. (Rare) Transparent; translucent.
PLUMIGEROUSplumigerous adj. Feathered; having feathers.
PLUMIGEROUS adj. plumaged.
PRECAUTIOUSprecautious adj. Taking precautions.
PRECAUTIOUS adj. of the nature of precaution, also PRECAUTIONAL, PRECAUTIONARY.
PUNICACEOUSpunicaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the Punicaceae.
PUNICACEOUS adj. relating to Punicaceae, the pomegranate family.
STUPENDIOUSstupendious adj. (Obsolete) Stupendous.
STUPENDIOUS adj. (Milton) stupendous.
SUPERFUSIONsuperfusion n. (Medicine) The continuous flowing of a sustaining fluid over the outside of an isolated organ.
SUPERFUSION n. the act of superfusing.
UPCOUNTRIESUPCOUNTRY n. the interior of a country.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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