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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing E, I, N, O, P, R and Z

HYPNOTIZERShypnotizers n. Plural of hypnotizer.
HYPNOTIZER n. one who hypnotizes, also HYPNOTISER.
MONOPOLIZERmonopolizer n. One who monopolizes.
MONOPOLIZER n. one who monopolizes, also MONOPOLISER.
OPERATIZINGoperatizing v. Present participle of operatize.
OPERATIZE v. to turn a play etc. into an opera, also OPERATISE.
OVERPRIZINGoverprizing v. Present participle of overprize.
OVERPRIZE v. to prize excessively; to overvalue.
PATRONIZERSpatronizers n. Plural of patronizer.
PATRONIZER n. one who patronizes, also PATRONISER.
PEPTONIZERSPEPTONIZER n. an agent that peptonizes, also PEPTONISER.
PERIODIZINGperiodizing v. Present participle of periodize.
PERIODIZE v. to divide into periods, also PERIODISE.
PERSONALIZEpersonalize v. To adapt something to the needs or tastes of an individual.
personalize v. To represent something abstract as a person; to embody.
PERSONALIZE v. to make personal, also PERSONALISE.
PERSONIZINGpersonizing v. Present participle of personize.
PERSONIZE v. to personify, also PERSONISE.
POLLENIZERSpollenizers n. Plural of pollenizer.
POLLENIZER n. an agent that pollenizes, also POLLENISER.
POLLINIZERSpollinizers n. Plural of pollinizer.
POLLINIZER n. an agent that pollinizes, also POLLINISER.
POSTERIZINGposterizing v. Present participle of posterize.
POSTERIZE v. (US and Canadian slang) to humiliate (a sporting opponent) by performing a dramatic feat against them, also POSTERISE.
PRECOGNIZEDprecognized v. Simple past tense and past participle of precognize.
PRECOGNIZE v. to know beforehand, also PRECOGNISE.
PRECOGNIZESprecognizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of precognize.
PRECOGNIZE v. to know beforehand, also PRECOGNISE.
PRECONIZINGpreconizing v. Present participle of preconize.
PRECONIZE v. to proclaim; to summon publicly; (of the Pope) to proclaim and ratify the election of as bishop, also PRECONISE.
REHYPNOTIZErehypnotize v. To hypnotize again.
REHYPNOTIZE v. to hypnotize again, also REHYPNOTISE.
RHIZOPLANESrhizoplanes n. Plural of rhizoplane.
RHIZOPLANE n. the surface of a root together with the soil adhering to it.
TEMPORIZINGtemporizing adj. Of or relating to temporization (in its various senses).
temporizing n. The act of one who temporizes, or acts evasively.
temporizing v. Present participle of temporize.
UNPOLARIZEDunpolarized adj. Not polarized.
UNPOLARIZED adj. not polarized.
UTOPIANIZERutopianizer n. One who promotes or believes in the idea of a utopia.
UTOPIANIZER n. one who utopianizes, also UTOPIANISER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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