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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing E, I, 2M, 2R and S

CIRCUMMUREScircummures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of circummure.
CIRCUMMURE v. (Shakespeare) to wall round.
COMPROMISERcompromiser n. One who compromises; especially, one who compromises readily.
COMPROMISER n. one who compromises.
DISMEMBERERdismemberer n. One who, or that which, dismembers.
DISMEMBERER n. one who dismembers.
DISREMEMBERdisremember v. (Chiefly US dialectal) To fail to remember; to forget.
DISREMEMBER v. to forget.
MERCENARISMmercenarism n. The activities of a mercenary; involvement in conflict for private gain.
MERCENARISM n. the state of being a mercenary.
MESMERISERSmesmerisers n. Plural of mesmeriser.
MESMERISER n. one who mesmerises, also MESMERIZER.
MESMERIZERSmesmerizers n. Plural of mesmerizer.
MESMERIZER n. one who mesmerizes, also MESMERISER.
MICROMETERSmicrometers n. Plural of micrometer.
MICROMETER n. an instrument for measuring very small distances.
MICROMETRESmicrometres n. Plural of micrometre.
MICROMETRE n. a millionth of a metre.
MISINFORMERmisinformer n. One who misinforms.
MISINFORMER n. one who misinforms, also MISINFORMANT.
MISMARRIAGEmismarriage n. Bad or unsuitable marriage.
MISMARRIAGE n. an unsuitable marriage.
MISREMEMBERmisremember v. (Transitive, intransitive) To remember incorrectly.
MISREMEMBER v. to remember wrongly.
MUSHROOMIERMUSHROOMY adj. of or like a mushroom.
REIMMERSINGreimmersing v. Present participle of reimmerse.
REIMMERSE v. to immerse again.
REIMMERSIONreimmersion n. A second or subsequent immersion.
SCRIMMAGERSscrimmagers n. Plural of scrimmager.
SCRIMMAGER n. one who scrimmages.
SUMMARISERSsummarisers n. Plural of summariser.
SUMMARISER n. one who summarises, also SUMMARIZER.
SUMMARIZERSsummarizers n. Plural of summarizer.
SUMMARIZER n. one who summarizes, also SUMMARISER.
TETRAMERISMtetramerism n. Four-part radial symmetry.
TETRAMERISM n. division into four parts.
TRIPHAMMERStriphammers n. Plural of triphammer.
trip␣hammers n. Plural of trip hammer.
TRIPHAMMER n. a power hammer that is raised or tilted by a cam and allowed to fall under gravity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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