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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing E, I, L, N and 3T

ANTIELITISTantielitist adj. (Sociology) Opposed to elitism.
antielitist n. (Sociology) One who opposes elitism.
ANTIELITIST n. one who is opposed to elitism.
ATTENTIONALattentional adj. Of or pertaining to attention.
ATTENTIONAL adj. relating to attention or concentration.
ATTENTIVELYattentively adv. In an attentive manner.
ATTENTIVE adv. full of attention.
DILETTANTESdilettantes n. Plural of dilettante.
DILETTANTE n. (Italian) a dabbler or lover of fine arts.
ELECTROTINTelectrotint n. A style of engraving in relief by means of voltaic electricity. A picture is drawn on a metallic plate…
ELECTROTINT n. a printing block produced by drawing with varnish on a metal plate, and depositing metal electrically on the parts not covered.
ENTITLEMENTentitlement n. The right to have something, whether actual or perceived.
entitlement n. Power, authority to do something.
entitlement n. Something that one is entitled to.
MULTIPOTENTmultipotent adj. Having the power to do many different things.
multipotent adj. (Biology) Describing a cell that can give rise to a limited number of several different types of cell.
MULTIPOTENT adj. (Shakespeare) having the power to do many things.
NOVELETTISTnovelettist n. A writer of novelettes.
NOVELETTIST n. one who writes novelettes.
REMITTENTLYREMITTENT adv. remitting; having remissions.
STILETTOINGstilettoing v. Present participle of stiletto.
stilettoing n. A stabbing with a stiletto (dagger).
STILETTO v. to stab with a stiletto.
TEETOTALINGteetotaling adj. (US) Abstaining from alcohol.
TEETOTAL v. to practise or advocate teetotalism.
TENTACULITEtentaculite n. (Paleontology) Any of numerous species of small, conical shells found in Paleozoic rocks, fossils from…
TENTACULITE n. a ringed conical Silurian fossil.
TENTATIVELYtentatively adv. Of, or having to do with being tentative.
TENTATIVE adv. cautious.
TETRACTINALtetractinal adj. (Zoology) Having four rays.
TETRACTINAL n. a sponge spicule having four rays, also TETRACTINE.
TITTERINGLYtitteringly adv. With titters.
TOILINETTEStoilinettes n. Plural of toilinette.
TOILINETTE n. a kind of woollen cloth, silk and cotton warp, also TOILINET.
TOTTERINGLYtotteringly adv. In a tottering manner.
TOTTERING adv. unsteady.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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