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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing E, 2I, M, 2N and P

AMINOPTERINaminopterin n. (Pharmacology) A 4-amino analog of folic acid used as a chemotherapy drug.
AMINOPTERIN n. a rodenticide.
AMINOPYRINEaminopyrine n. Aminophenazone.
AMINOPYRINE n. a drug formerly used to relieve pain and fever.
EMPOISONINGempoisoning v. Present participle of empoison.
EMPOISON v. (archaic) to poison.
EPILIMNIONSepilimnions n. Plural of epilimnion.
EPILIMNION n. the upper, warm layer of water in a lake.
IMPANELLINGimpanelling v. Present participle of impanel.
IMPANEL v. to put onto a list for jury duty, also IMPANNEL.
IMPENITENCEimpenitence n. The property of being impenitent, of lacking penitence, of not being regretful of wrongs done.
IMPENITENCE n. the state of being impenitent, also IMPENITENCY.
IMPENITENCYimpenitency n. Archaic form of impenitence.
IMPENITENCY n. the state of being impenitent, also IMPENITENCE.
IMPENITENTSimpenitents n. Plural of impenitent.
IMPENITENT n. one who is not penitent.
IMPERTINENTimpertinent adj. Insolent, ill-mannered.
impertinent adj. Irrelevant, useless.
impertinent n. An impertinent individual.
IMPINGEMENTimpingement n. The act of impinging.
IMPINGEMENT n. the act of impinging.
MISSPENDINGmisspending n. Improper, wasteful, or incorrect spending; squandering.
misspending v. Present participle of misspend.
MISSPEND v. to spend unwisely.
OMNIPATIENTomnipatient adj. Infinitely patient; capable of enduring all things.
OMNIPATIENT adj. enduring all things.
PENTAMIDINEpentamidine n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic antibiotic drug used chiefly in the form of its salt C23H36N4O10S2 especially…
PENTAMIDINE n. a drug used esp. to treat protozoal infections, such as leishmaniasis.
PIKEMINNOWSpikeminnows n. Plural of pikeminnow.
PNEUMONITISpneumonitis n. (Pathology) Inflammation of the tissue of the lungs.
PNEUMONITIS n. inflammation of the lungs.
PREMONITIONpremonition n. A clairvoyant or clairaudient experience, such as a dream, which resonates with some event in the future.
premonition n. A strong intuition that something is about to happen (usually something negative, but not exclusively).
PREMONITION n. previous notice or warning.
PREMUNITIONpremunition n. (Medicine) Immunization due to having had the disease before.
PREMUNITION n. the provision of relative immunity to a severe infection as a result of inducing a low-grade version.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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