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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing E, 2I, L, R, U and Y

DELIRIOUSLYdeliriously adv. In a delirious manner, or to the point of delirium.
DELIRIOUS adv. mentally confused, esp. through fever or other illness.
EQUILIBRITYequilibrity n. The state of being balanced; equality of weight; equilibrium.
EQUILIBRITY n. the state of being in equilibrium.
FLEXICURITYflexicurity n. A welfare state model with a proactive labour market policy, combining easy hiring and firing (flexibility…
FLEXICURITY n. labor practices that give companies the flexibility to fire workers as needed and offer fired workers the security of government-backed benefits and retraining opportunities.
IMPERIOUSLYimperiously adv. In an imperious manner; in the style of an emperor.
imperiously adv. In a way that brooks no refusal; commandingly.
IMPERIOUS adv. assuming command; haughty.
INCREDULITYincredulity n. Unwillingness or inability to believe; doubt about the truth or verisimilitude of something; disbelief.
incredulity n. (Rare) Religious disbelief, lack of faith.
INCREDULITY n. the state of being incredulous.
INTRUSIVELYintrusively adv. In an intrusive manner; by intrusion.
INTRUSIVE adv. tending to intrude.
IRREDUCIBLYirreducibly adv. In an irreducible manner, or state.
IRREDUCIBLE adv. that cannot be reduced.
IRRUPTIVELYirruptively adv. In an irruptive manner.
IRRUPTIVE adv. rushing in or upon.
NUTRITIVELYnutritively adv. Concerning, or in terms of, nutrition.
NUTRITIVE adv. relating to nutrition.
PECULIARITYpeculiarity n. The quality or state of being peculiar; individuality; singularity.
peculiarity n. That which is peculiar; a special and distinctive characteristic or habit; particularity.
peculiarity n. Exclusive possession or right.
PECUNIARILYpecuniarily adv. In a pecuniary manner; in terms of money; financially.
PECUNIARY adv. pertaining to money.
QUIVERINGLYquiveringly adv. While quivering, or as if quivering.
QUIVERING adv. shaking with a slight but rapid motion.
RELIGIOUSLYreligiously adv. In the manner of religion.
religiously adv. Always; passionately or diligently.
RELIGIOUS adv. concerned with religion.
RELUCTIVITYreluctivity n. The quantity equal to the reciprocal of magnetic permeability.
RELUCTIVITY n. a specific or relative reluctance of a magnetic material.
REQUISITELYrequisitely adv. In a requisite way; necessarily.
REQUISITE adv. required.
REUSABILITYreusability n. The property or degree of being reusable.
REUSABILITY n. the capacity to be reused.
UNISERIALLYuniserially adv. In a uniserial manner.
UNISERIAL adv. having only one row or series.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 36 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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