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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing E, H, N, O, S, T and V

ANCHOVETTASanchovettas n. Plural of anchovetta.
ANCHOVETTA n. (Spanish) a small fish like an anchovy, also ANCHOVETA.
AVOUCHMENTSavouchments n. Plural of avouchment.
AVOUCHMENT n. (archaic) the act of avouching; positive declaration.
CHEVROTAINSchevrotains n. Plural of chevrotain.
CHEVROTAIN n. (French) a small deerlike mammal.
HOVERTRAINShovertrains n. Plural of hovertrain.
HOVERTRAIN n. a train that moves supported by a cushion of air, like a hovercraft.
HYPOTENSIVEhypotensive adj. Relating to hypotension (low blood pressure).
hypotensive n. Any drug that lowers the blood pressure.
hypotensive n. A drug that lowers the blood pressure as its principal intended effect; a drug taken to treat hypertension.
INCHOATIVESinchoatives n. Plural of inchoative.
INCHOATIVE n. an inchoative verb.
NOVELETTISHnovelettish adj. Resembling or characteristic of a novelette.
NOVELETTISH adj. having the properties of a novelette.
OVERLENGTHSOVERLENGTH n. excessive length.
PHOTONOVELSphotonovels n. Plural of photonovel.
PHOTONOVEL n. a novel in the form of a series of photographs with speech balloons.
SERVANTHOODservanthood n. The role of being a servant.
SERVANTHOOD n. the state of being a servant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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