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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing E, H, L, M, N, O and P

AMINOPHENOLaminophenol n. (Organic chemistry) Any of three isomeric amino derivatives of phenol; hydroxyaniline.
aminophenol n. (Organic chemistry) Any amino derivative of a phenol.
AMINOPHENOL n. any of three isomeric forms that are white soluble crystalline solids, used as a dye and as a photograph developer.
CLOMIPHENESclomiphenes n. Plural of clomiphene.
CLOMIPHENE n. a synthetic drug used to stimulate ovulation.
ENCEPHALOMAencephaloma n. (Medicine, dated) A tumor of the brain.
encephaloma n. (Medicine, dated) Encephaloid carcinoma.
ENCEPHALOMA n. a brain tumour.
ENTOMOPHILYentomophily n. (Botany) pollination by insects.
ENTOMOPHILY n. seed plants which are pollinated by insects are said to be entomophilous.
HELMSPERSONhelmsperson n. (Uncommon) A helmsman or helmswoman.
LYMPHOKINESlymphokines n. Plural of lymphokine.
LYMPHOKINE n. any of various substances secreted by T cells.
LYMPHOPENIAlymphopenia n. (Medicine) The condition of having an abnormally reduced number of lymphocytes in the blood.
LYMPHOPENIA n. an abnormally low level of lymphocytes in the blood.
MELANOPHOREmelanophore n. (Biology) A cell containing melanin or other black pigment, such as are found in fish, amphibians, and reptiles.
MELANOPHORE n. a chromatophore containing melanin.
MELLOPHONESmellophones n. Plural of mellophone.
MELLOPHONE n. a brass wind instrument resembling the French horn.
MONODELPHICmonodelphic adj. Alternative form of monodelphous.
MONODELPHIC adj. relating to the Monodelphia, placental mammals, also MONODELPHIAN.
MONOPHYLIESMONOPHYLY n. the state of being monophyletic.
MORPHOLINESmorpholines n. Plural of morpholine.
MORPHOLINE n. a colourless liquid, formerly used as an emulsifier to provide a glossy coating to waxes.
NYMPHOLEPSYnympholepsy n. A frenzied state of (usually erotic) emotion, especially concerning something or someone unattainable.
NYMPHOLEPSY n. a trance incurred by erotic daydreams.
NYMPHOLEPTSnympholepts n. Plural of nympholept.
NYMPHOLEPT n. one in state of nympholepsy, a trance incurred by erotic daydreams.
PHANTOMLIKEphantomlike adj. Like a phantom; ghostly.
PHANTOMLIKE adj. like a phantom.
PHLEGMONOIDphlegmonoid adj. Resembling a phlegmon.
PHLEGMONOID adj. of or like a phlegmon, also PHLEGMONIC, PHLEGMONOUS.
PHLEGMONOUSphlegmonous adj. Of, pertaining to, or containing phlegmon.
PHLEGMONOUS adj. of or like a phlegmon, also PHLEGMONIC, PHLEGMONOID.
POLISHMENTSpolishments n. Plural of polishment.
POLISHMENT n. the act of polishing, or the state of being polished.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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