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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing E, H, 2L, 2O and R

ALLELOMORPHallelomorph n. (Genetics, obsolete) Synonym of allele.
ALLELOMORPH n. any one of the two or more possible forms of a gene, also ALLEL, ALLELE.
CHLORALOSEDchloralosed adj. Anesthetized with chloralose.
CHLORALOSED adj. anaesthetised with chloralose.
CHLORALOSESchloraloses n. Plural of chloralose.
CHLORALOSE n. a hypnotic drug used for anaesthetising animals in laboratory experiments.
CHOLESTEROLcholesterol n. (Biochemistry) A sterol lipid synthesized by the liver and transported in the bloodstream to the membranes…
cholesterol n. The level of cholesterol in the body.
CHOLESTEROL n. a sterol occurring in all body cells and involved in the transport of fats through the bloodstream.
CLINOCHLOREclinochlore n. (Mineralogy) A monoclinic-prismatic mineral containing aluminum, hydrogen, iron, magnesium, oxygen, and silicon.
CLINOCHLORE n. a hexagonal variety of chlorite rich in magnesium and aluminium and usually poor in iron, aka ripidolite.
HALOPERIDOLhaloperidol n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic antidepressant drug used chiefly in the treatment of psychotic conditions.
HALOPERIDOL n. a synthetic tranquillizing drug used in treating psychiatric illnesses.
HOLLOWWAREShollowwares n. Plural of hollowware.
HOLLOWWARE n. hollow articles of china, iron etc. e.g. pots and kettles.
PHILOLOGERSphilologers n. Plural of philologer.
PHILOLOGER n. a person who studies or has knowledge of philology, also PHILOLOGIAN, PHILOLOGIST, PHILOLOGUE.
RHEOLOGICALrheological adj. (Physics) of, or relating to rheology.
RHEOLOGICAL adj. relating to rheology, the science of the deformation or flow of matter, also RHEOLOGIC.
TOOLHOLDERStoolholders n. Plural of toolholder.
TOOLHOLDER n. a holder for tools.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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