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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing E, H, I, L, M, N and Y

CHIMNEYLIKEchimneylike adj. Resembling a chimney, especially in shape.
CHIMNEYLIKE adj. like a chimney.
ENTOMOPHILYentomophily n. (Botany) pollination by insects.
ENTOMOPHILY n. seed plants which are pollinated by insects are said to be entomophilous.
ETHYLAMINESethylamines n. Plural of ethylamine.
ETHYLAMINE n. a colorless, mobile, inflammable liquid, very volatile and with an ammoniacal odor.
HAEMOLYSINGhaemolysing v. Present participle of haemolyse.
HAEMOLYSE v. to break down red blood cells, also HAEMOLYZE, HEMOLYSE, HEMOLYZE.
HAEMOLYSINShaemolysins n. Plural of haemolysin.
HAEMOLYSIN n. any substance, esp. an antibody, that causes the breakdown of red blood cells, also HEMOLYSIN.
HAEMOLYZINGhaemolyzing v. Present participle of haemolyze.
HAEMOLYZE v. to break down red blood cells, also HAEMOLYSE, HEMOLYSE, HEMOLYZE.
HEMATOXYLINhematoxylin n. (Medicine, organic chemistry) A phenolic compound having the chemical formula C16H14O6, used (most often…
HEMATOXYLIN n. a dye obtained from logwood, also HAEMATOXYLIN.
HEMIELYTRONHEMIELYTRON n. the forewing of plant bugs and related insects, having a thickened base and a membranous apex, also HEMELYTRON, HEMELYTRUM.
HYMNOLOGIEShymnologies n. Plural of hymnology.
HYMNOLOGY n. the study of hymns.
HYPERMILINGhypermiling n. Driving a car slowly so as to maximize fuel efficiency.
HYPERMILING n. the practice of maximizing the fuel economy of a motor vehicle, especially through driving technique and vehicle maintenance.
LYMPHOKINESlymphokines n. Plural of lymphokine.
LYMPHOKINE n. any of various substances secreted by T cells.
LYMPHOPENIAlymphopenia n. (Medicine) The condition of having an abnormally reduced number of lymphocytes in the blood.
LYMPHOPENIA n. an abnormally low level of lymphocytes in the blood.
METHYLAMINEmethylamine n. (Organic chemistry) The simplest aliphatic amine, CH3NH2, a toxic gas, having many industrial applications.
METHYLAMINE n. an inflammable gas, obtainable from herring brine.
METHYLATINGmethylating v. Present participle of methylate.
methylating adj. That methylates.
METHYLATE v. to introduce one or more methyl groups into (a compound or group).
METHYLATIONmethylation n. (Chemistry) The addition of a methyl group to a molecule.
methylation n. (Genetics) The addition of a methyl group to cytosine and adenine residues in DNA that leads to the…
METHYLATION n. the process of methylating.
MILLIHENRYSmillihenrys n. Plural of millihenry.
MILLIHENRY n. a thousandth of a henry.
MISSHAPENLYmisshapenly adv. In a misshapen manner.
MISSHAPEN adv. MISSHAPE, (Spenser) to shape badly.
MONOPHYLIESMONOPHYLY n. the state of being monophyletic.
PHENYLAMINEphenylamine n. (Organic chemistry) Alternative name for aniline (C6H5NH2).
PHENYLAMINE n. another name for aniline.
SEMIMONTHLYsemimonthly adj. Occurring twice a month or at half month intervals.
semimonthly adv. In a manner occurring twice a month or at half month intervals.
semimonthly n. Something done or made every half month, especially a periodical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 76 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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