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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing E, G, O, P, 2S and Y

AZYGOSPORESazygospores n. Plural of azygospore.
AZYGOSPORE n. a thick-walled spore produced by parthenogenesis in certain algae and fungi.
GLYPHOSATESglyphosates n. Plural of glyphosate.
GLYPHOSATE n. a synthetic compound widely used as a herbicide.
GYMNOSPERMSgymnosperms n. Plural of gymnosperm.
GYMNOSPERM n. a plant with the ovules borne naked or unprotected, the conifers or cone-bearing plants and their allies.
GYPSIFEROUSgypsiferous adj. Containing gypsum.
GYPSIFEROUS adj. bearing gypsum.
HYGROSCOPEShygroscopes n. Plural of hygroscope.
HYGROSCOPE n. an instrument for displaying changes in air humidity.
PERISSOLOGYperissology n. Superfluity of words; verbosity; long-windedness.
PERISSOLOGY n. superfluity of words, pleonasm.
POLYGAMISESpolygamises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of polygamise.
POLYGAMISE v. to practise polygamy, also POLYGAMIZE.
POLYGENESESpolygeneses n. Plural of polygenesis.
POLYGENESIS n. the theory that humans derived from many separate origins.
POLYGENESISpolygenesis n. The genesis of a species from more than one ancestor.
polygenesis n. (Biology) The theory that living organisms originate in cells or embryos of different kinds, instead…
polygenesis n. (Linguistics) The theory that languages developed independently in different places at different periods…
POLYGENISMSPOLYGENISM n. the doctrine that animals of the same species have sprung from more than one original pair.
POLYGENISTSpolygenists n. Plural of polygenist.
POLYGENIST n. one who maintains that animals of the same species have sprung from more than one original pair.
PSYCHOGASESPSYCHOGAS n. a gas which makes a person's performance deteriorate very seriously without his being aware of it.
SEROTYPINGSserotypings n. Plural of serotyping.
SEROTYPING n. assignation to a particular serotype.
STEATOPYGASSTEATOPYGA n. an excessive development of fat on the buttocks, esp. on females, also STEATOPYGIA.
ZYGOSPHENESzygosphenes n. Plural of zygosphene.
ZYGOSPHENE n. a median process on the front part of the neural arch of the vertebrae of most snakes and some lizards, which fits into a fossa, called the zygantrum, on the back part of the arch in front.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 41 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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