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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing E, G, L, N, P, T and Y

ACCEPTINGLYacceptingly adv. In a accepting manner; tolerantly.
ACCEPTING adv. ACCEPT, to receive with favour.
CALYPTROGENcalyptrogen n. Rootcap.
CALYPTROGEN n. the layer of cells on the growing tip of a root giving rise to the root cap.
COPYLEFTINGcopylefting v. Present participle of copyleft.
COPYLEFT v. to publish (intellectual property) under a license that allows free use and modification.
EXPECTINGLYexpectingly adv. In a state of expectation.
EXPECTING adv. in a state of expectation.
GENOTYPICALgenotypical adj. Of or relating to a genotype.
GENOTYPICAL adj. relating to a genotype.
HELIOTYPINGheliotyping v. Present participle of heliotype.
HELIOTYPE v. to obtain such a picture.
PANTHEOLOGYpantheology n. A system of theology embracing all religions; a complete system of theology.
PANTHEOLOGY n. a synthesis of all religions and the knowledge of all gods.
PESTERINGLYpesteringly adv. In a pestering manner; annoyingly, bothersomely.
PESTERING adv. PESTER, to bother.
PLANETOLOGYplanetology n. (Astronomy) The study of planets, planetary systems and the solar system.
PLANETOLOGY n. the study of planets.
PLATELAYINGplatelaying n. (Rail transport) The work of a platelayer, inspecting and maintaining the permanent way.
PLATELAYING n. the laying of rails for a railway.
POLYGENETICpolygenetic adj. Having many distinct sources; originating at various places or times.
polygenetic adj. (Biology) Of or pertaining to polygenesis; polyphyletic.
polygenetic adj. (Geology) One which is composite, or consists of two or more monogenetic ranges, each having had its…
POLYGENISTSpolygenists n. Plural of polygenist.
POLYGENIST n. one who maintains that animals of the same species have sprung from more than one original pair.
POTTERINGLYpotteringly adv. So as to potter; in a slow and aimless manner.
POTTERING adv. busying oneself with trifling tasks.
PROSELYTINGproselyting v. Present participle of proselyte.
PROSELYTE v. to become a proselyte.
REPENTINGLYrepentingly adv. With repentance; penitently.
REPENTING adv. REPENT, to regret and be sorry for a past action.
REPORTINGLYreportingly adv. (Obsolete, rare) By common report or rumour.
REPORTING adv. giving an account of.
REPUGNANTLYrepugnantly adv. In a repugnant manner.
REPUGNANT adv. distasteful, odious.
SEXTUPLYINGSEXTUPLY v. in Scots law, to offer a rejoinder.
UPSETTINGLYupsettingly adv. In an upsetting manner.
UPSETTING adv. causing upset.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 53 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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