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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing E, G, 2L, 2S and T

ALLEGORISTSallegorists n. Plural of allegorist.
ALLEGORIST n. one who composes allegories.
BESTSELLINGbestselling adj. Alternative spelling of best-selling.
best-selling adj. (Marketing) Highly popular with consumers purchasing goods within a specific class.
BESTSELLING adj. selling in large numbers.
DELIGHTLESSdelightless adj. Void of delight.
DELIGHTLESS adj. giving no delight.
GALLANTNESSgallantness n. The quality of being gallant.
GALLANTNESS n. the quality of being gallant.
GOSPELLIESTGOSPELLY adj. like gospel music.
GRILLSTEAKSgrillsteaks n. Plural of grillsteak.
GRILLSTEAK n. a large steak-shaped burger of minced lamb etc.
GUILTLESSLYguiltlessly adv. In a guiltless manner; innocently.
GUILTLESS adv. without guilt.
HOSTELLINGSHOSTELLING n. the act of staying overnight in hostels when travelling, also HOSTELING.
LEGISLATORSlegislators n. Plural of legislator.
LEGISLATOR n. one that makes laws esp. for a political unit.
LILTINGNESSliltingness n. The property or characteristic of being lilting.
LILTINGNESS n. having a lilting quality.
SIGHTLESSLYsightlessly adv. In a sightless manner; blindly.
SIGHTLESS adv. blind.
STALLENGERSSTALLENGER n. (historical) a keeper of a stall; a person who paid for the privilege of trading in a burgh of which he was not a freeman, also STALLINGER.
STALLINGERSstallingers n. Plural of stallinger.
STALLINGER n. (historical) a keeper of a stall; a person who paid for the privilege of trading in a burgh of which he was not a freeman, also STALLENGER.
TALLGRASSEStallgrasses n. Plural of tallgrass.
TALLGRASS n. long grass in a North American prairie.
TASSELLINGStassellings n. Plural of tasselling.
TASSELLING n. adornment with tassels.
TEASELLINGSTEASELLING n. the act of raising a nap on cloth with teasel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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