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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 9 eleven-letter words containing E, 2G, N, R, S and U

GANGBUSTERSgangbusters n. Plural of gangbuster.
gangbusters adj. Very successful or profitable.
gangbusters adv. (Colloquial) With great energy or speed; very well. (Frequently with go.)
GAUFFERINGSgaufferings n. Plural of gauffering.
GAUFFERING n. make pleats with a gauffering iron, also GOFFERING.
GUNFIGHTERSgunfighters n. Plural of gunfighter.
GUNFIGHTER n. one who fights with guns.
GUNSLINGERSgunslingers n. Plural of gunslinger.
GUNSLINGER n. a person noted for speed and skill in handling and shooting a gun esp. in the American West.
JUGGERNAUTSjuggernauts n. Plural of juggernaut.
JUGGERNAUT n. (Sanskrit) a massive relentless force, person, institution, etc. that crushes everything in its path.
MESHUGGENERmeshuggener adj. Crazy, insane.
meshuggener n. A madman; a crazy person, a nutter.
MESHUGGENER n. (Yiddish) a fool, a crazy person, also MESHUGGENAH, MESHUGGENEH.
REGROUPINGSregroupings n. Plural of regrouping.
REGROUPING n. the act of forming a new group.
RUGGEDISINGruggedising v. Present participle of ruggedise.
RUGGEDISE v. to make rugged, also RUGGEDIZE.
SUPERGLUINGsupergluing v. Present participle of superglue.
SUPERGLUE v. to glue with a powerful adhesive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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