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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing E, 2G, 2N, R and T

BRIGHTENINGbrightening v. Present participle of brighten.
brightening n. An instance of becoming brighter.
BRIGHTEN v. to make bright.
CONGREETINGCONGREET v. (archaic) to salute mutually.
CONGREGANTScongregants n. Plural of congregant.
CONGREGANT n. a member of a congregation, esp. a Jewish one.
DENIGRATINGdenigrating v. Present participle of denigrate.
DENIGRATE v. to blacken, defame.
ENGORGEMENTengorgement n. The act of swallowing greedily.
engorgement n. The process or the condition of becoming engorged, becoming over-filled with fluid.
ENGORGEMENT n. the act of engorging.
FRAGMENTINGfragmenting v. Present participle of fragment.
FRAGMENT v. to break into pieces.
FRIGHTENINGfrightening adj. Causing fear; of capable of causing fear; scary.
frightening adj. (Figuratively) Awful, terrible, very bad.
frightening v. Present participle of frighten.
GENTRIFYINGgentrifying v. Present participle of gentrify.
GENTRIFY v. to renew an area to attract middle-class residents.
GERMINATINGgerminating v. Present participle of germinate.
GERMINATE v. to sprout, to cause to sprout.
GRATINEEINGgratineeing v. Present participle of gratinee.
gratinéeing v. Present participle of gratinée.
GRATINEE v. (French) to cook or serve au gratin.
INGATHERINGingathering v. Present participle of ingather.
ingathering n. The gathering in of a literal or metaphorical harvest.
INGATHERING n. the gathering in of crops etc.
INTEGRATINGintegrating v. Present participle of integrate.
integrating adj. That integrates.
INTEGRATE v. to make entire.
INTERPAGINGinterpaging v. Present participle of interpage.
INTERPAGE v. to print or insert on intermediate pages.
OUTREIGNINGoutreigning v. Present participle of outreign.
OUTREIGN v. to reign longer than.
PIGNERATINGpignerating v. Present participle of pignerate.
PIGNERATE v. (archaic) to pledge or pawn, also PIGNORATE.
REGIMENTINGregimenting v. Present participle of regiment.
REGIMENT v. to form into military units.
RESTRINGINGrestringing v. Present participle of restring.
restringing n. The act by which something is restrung.
RESTRING v. to string again.
STRANGERINGstrangering v. Present participle of stranger.
STRANGER v. to make a stranger.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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