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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing E, F, 2O, R, T and U

BULLETPROOFbulletproof adj. (Of a material) Capable of withstanding a direct shot by a bullet fired from a gun.
bulletproof adj. (Idiomatic) Reliable, infallible, sturdy or error-tolerant.
bulletproof adj. (Usually of an idea or concept) Unbreakable, very tough.
COUNTERFLOWcounterflow n. A flow in the opposite direction; or the flow of two fluids in opposite directions.
counterflow v. To flow in the opposite direction.
COUNTERFLOW n. the flow of a fluid in opposite directions, as in an apparatus.
COUNTERFOILcounterfoil n. The part of a cheque that is retained in the chequebook as a record; a stub.
COUNTERFOIL n. part of ticket or cheque retained by giver.
COUNTERFORTcounterfort n. A buttress built against a wall.
counterfort n. A spur of a mountain range.
COUNTERFORT n. a buttress or arch supporting a retaining wall.
FLUOROMETERfluorometer n. An instrument used to detect and measure fluorescence.
FLUOROMETER n. an instrument for measuring fluorescence, also FLUORIMETER.
FLUOROMETRYfluorometry n. (Chemistry, physics) An analytical technique that uses fluorescence to detect and identify small samples…
FLUOROMETRY n. measurement by fluorometer, also FLUORIMETRY.
FLUOROTYPESfluorotypes n. Plural of fluorotype.
FLUOROTYPE n. (obsolete) photography by means of fluorides.
FOETIPAROUSfoetiparous adj. Alternative form of fetiparous.
FOETIPAROUS adj. of marsupials, such as the kangaroo, giving birth to incompletely developed offspring, also FETIPAROUS.
FORETHOUGHTforethought n. Thinking beforehand or in advance, planning; prior or previous consideration; premeditation.
forethought n. Anticipation.
forethought n. Provident care; prudence.
HOUSEFRONTShousefronts n. Plural of housefront.
HOUSEFRONT n. the facade of a house.
MORTIFEROUSmortiferous adj. (Now rare) Causing spiritual death.
mortiferous adj. Causing physical death; deadly, fatal, lethal.
MORTIFEROUS adj. death-bringing; fatal.
OUTPERFORMSoutperforms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outperform.
OUTPERFORM v. to exceed in performance.
PROFOUNDESTprofoundest adj. Superlative form of profound: most profound.
PROFOUND adj. very deep.
PUSSYFOOTERpussyfooter n. One who pussyfoots.
PUSSYFOOTER n. one who pussyfoots.
RUSTPROOFEDrustproofed v. Simple past tense and past participle of rustproof.
RUSTPROOF v. to make resistant to rust, such as by applying a coating.
UNCOMFORTEDuncomforted adj. Not comforted.
UNCOMFORTED adj. not comforted.
UNDERFOOTEDunderfooted v. Simple past tense and past participle of underfoot.
UNDERFOOT v. to underpin.
UNFORGOTTENunforgotten adj. Not forgotten; still remembered.
unforgotten v. Past participle of unforget.
un-forgotten v. Past participle of un-forget.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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