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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing E, F, 2L, N and 2S

BALEFULNESSbalefulness n. The characteristic of being baleful.
BALEFULNESS n. the state of being baleful.
DOLEFULNESSdolefulness n. The characteristic of being doleful; sadness.
DOLEFULNESS n. the state of being doleful.
FEELINGLESSfeelingless adj. Without feeling, without emotion, unemotional.
FEELINGLESS adj. without feelings.
FENESTELLASFENESTELLA n. a recess in church wall for storing communion vessels.
FLESHLINESSfleshliness n. Indulgence in concerns of the flesh; bodily appetites.
FLESHLINESS n. the state of being fleshly.
FLEXIONLESSflexionless adj. (Grammar, dated) inflectionless.
FLEXIONLESS adj. without flexion, also FLECTIONLESS.
FRONTLESSLYfrontlessly adv. (Obsolete) shamelessly; impudently.
FRONTLESS adv. shameless, brazen.
FUSTANELLASfustanellas n. Plural of fustanella.
FUSTANELLA n. (Italian) a white kilt worn by Greek and Albanian men, also FUSTANELLE.
FUSTANELLESfustanelles n. Plural of fustanelle.
FUSTANELLE n. a white kilt worn by Greek and Albanian men, also FUSTANELLA.
GLADFULNESSgladfulness n. The quality of being gladful.
GLADFULNESS n. (archaic) the quality of being gladful.
GLEEFULNESSgleefulness n. The state of being gleeful or joyous.
GLEEFULNESS n. the state of being gleeful.
HELPFULNESShelpfulness n. The quality of being helpful.
HELPFULNESS n. the state of being helpful.
LUSTFULNESSlustfulness n. The state, quality, or condition of being lustful.
LUSTFULNESS n. the state of being lustful.
PLAYFULNESSplayfulness n. The quality of being playful.
PLAYFULNESS n. the state of being playful.
SILDENAFILSSILDENAFIL n. a drug used to enhance erectile function.
SKILFULNESSskilfulness n. The state or condition of being skilful.
SKILFULNESS n. the state of being skilful.
SOULFULNESSsoulfulness n. The state of being soulful.
SOULFULNESS n. the state of being soulful.
TOILFULNESStoilfulness n. The state, quality, or condition of being toilful.
TOILFULNESS n. the state of being toilful.
UNSELFISHLYunselfishly adv. In an unselfish manner.
UNSELFISH adv. not selfish.
WILLFULNESSwillfulness n. (American spelling) Alternative form of wilfulness.
WILLFULNESS n. the state of being willful, also WILFULNESS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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