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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 2E, M, P, R, T and V

DEPRAVEMENTdepravement n. (Archaic) Depravity; corruption.
DEPRAVEMENT n. (archaic) vitiation.
DEPRIVEMENTdeprivement n. Deprivation.
DEPRIVEMENT n. the act of depriving.
IMPERATIVESimperatives n. Plural of imperative.
IMPERATIVE n. a verb in the imperative mood.
IMPETRATIVEimpetrative adj. (Obsolete) Of the nature of impetration; getting, or tending to get, by entreaty.
IMPETRATIVE adj. relating to impetration, also IMPETRATORY.
IMPROVEMENTimprovement n. The act of improving; advancement or growth; a bettering.
improvement n. The act of making profitable use or application of anything, or the state of being profitably employed;…
improvement n. The state of being improved; betterment; advance.
OVERPAYMENToverpayment n. Payment exceeding the amount actually due.
OVERPAYMENT n. an excessive payment.
OVERPROMOTEoverpromote v. (Transitive) To promote excessively.
OVERPROMOTE v. to promote excessively.
OVERTRUMPEDovertrumped v. Simple past tense and past participle of overtrump.
OVERTRUMP v. to trump with a higher card than the trump already played.
PELVIMETERSpelvimeters n. Plural of pelvimeter.
PELVIMETER n. an instrument for measuring the pelvis.
PLUVIOMETERpluviometer n. (Meteorology) A scientific instrument for measuring the amount of rainfall.
PLUVIOMETER n. a device for recording rainfall.
PREMONITIVEpremonitive adj. Premonitory.
PREMONITIVE adj. conveying a warning, also PREMONITORY.
PREMOVEMENTpremovement adj. Prior to movement.
PREMOVEMENT n. the act of premoving.
PRESUMPTIVEpresumptive adj. Based on presumption, probability, conjecture, hypothesis or belief.
presumptive adj. Making presumptions; behaving as one who presumes, who assumes that which they perhaps should not.
PRESUMPTIVE adj. based on probability or presumption.
PREVAILMENTprevailment n. (Obsolete) prevalence; superior influence; efficacy.
PREVAILMENT n. (Shakespeare) the power of overcoming.
PROVOKEMENTprovokement n. (Now rare) Provocation.
PROVOKEMENT n. (Spenser) provocation.
SEMIPRIVATEsemiprivate adj. More private than usual accommodations, but not fully private; used especially of a hospital room that…
SEMIPRIVATE adj. partly private.
TEMPERATIVEtemperative adj. Having the power to temper something.
TEMPERATIVE adj. having a moderating influence.
VAPORIMETERvaporimeter n. An instrument for measuring the volume or tension of any vapor.
VAPORIMETER n. instrument for measuring vapour pressure.
VERKRAMPTESverkramptes n. Plural of verkrampte.
VERKRAMPTE n. (South African) one who is narrow-minded and illiberal esp. towards black and coloured people.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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