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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 2E, M, N, O, P and U

COMEUPPANCEcomeuppance n. Retribution or outcome that is justly deserved.
come-uppance n. Alternative form of comeuppance.
COMEUPPANCE n. a deserved rebuke or penalty.
COUPLEMENTScouplements n. Plural of couplement.
COUPLEMENT n. union; a couple.
MOMPRENEURSmompreneurs n. Plural of mompreneur.
MOMPRENEUR n. a woman who combines running a business enterprise with looking after her children, also MUMPRENEUR.
OPENMOUTHEDopenmouthed adj. Alternative form of open-mouthed.
open-mouthed adj. (Obsolete) Talkative; eager to speak.
open-mouthed adj. With the mouth open.
PENTAMEROUSpentamerous adj. (Botany) In five parts; made up of five parts.
PENTAMEROUS adj. having five parts or members.
PERITONAEUMperitonaeum n. Alternative form of peritoneum.
peritonæum n. Obsolete typography of peritonaeum.
PERITONAEUM n. a serous membrane enclosing the viscera in the abdominal and pelvic cavities, also PERITONEUM.
PERITONEUMSperitoneums n. Plural of peritoneum.
PERITONEUM n. the smooth serous membrane which lines the cavity of the abdomen.
PNEUMATHODEPNEUMATHODE n. a band or pore or aerating tissue, esp. along the stipes of ferns.
PNEUMECTOMYpneumectomy n. Synonym of pneumonectomy.
PNEUMECTOMY n. surgical removal of the lung.
PRECONSUMEDpreconsumed v. Simple past tense and past participle of preconsume.
PRECONSUME v. to consume in advance.
PRECONSUMESpreconsumes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of preconsume.
PRECONSUME v. to consume in advance.
PROCUREMENTprocurement n. (Uncountable) The purchasing department of a company.
procurement n. (Countable) The act of procuring or obtaining; obtainment; attainment.
procurement n. Efficient contrivance; management; agency.
PRODUCEMENTproducement n. (Obsolete) production.
PRODUCEMENT n. (Milton) product.
RECOUPMENTSrecoupments n. Plural of recoupment.
RECOUPMENT n. the act of recouping.
SUPERMODERNsupermodern adj. Extremely modern; cutting-edge.
SUPERMODERN adj. very modern.
UNCOMPELLEDuncompelled adj. Not compelled; voluntary.
UNCOMPELLED adj. not compelled.
UNCOMPLETEDuncompleted adj. Not completed.
UNCOMPLETED adj. not completed.
UNEMPLOYEDSunemployeds n. Plural of unemployed.
UNEMPLOYED n. one who is unemployed.
UNPERFORMEDunperformed adj. Not performed.
UNPERFORMED adj. not performed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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